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34 [щэкIырэ плIырэ]



34 [thirty-four]

On the train

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Мы мэшIокур Берлин нэса? I----a- the--r--- -o B-r-i-? Is that the train to Berlin? I- t-a- t-e t-a-n t- B-r-i-? ---------------------------- Is that the train to Berlin? 0
МэшIокур сыдигъуа зыIукIрэр? Whe--d------e --a-n -----? When does the train leave? W-e- d-e- t-e t-a-n l-a-e- -------------------------- When does the train leave? 0
МэшIокур сыдигъуа Берлин зынэсырэр? Whe- ---s-t-e-t-a-- a-r-v- ----e---n? When does the train arrive in Berlin? W-e- d-e- t-e t-a-n a-r-v- i- B-r-i-? ------------------------------------- When does the train arrive in Berlin? 0
ЕмыкIу умышIы, сыблэгъэкIба? Excu-e--e--m-y-- pas-? Excuse me, may I pass? E-c-s- m-, m-y I p-s-? ---------------------- Excuse me, may I pass? 0
Енэгуягъо, мы тIысыпIэр сэсый. I t-i-k---i- -s--y s-at. I think this is my seat. I t-i-k t-i- i- m- s-a-. ------------------------ I think this is my seat. 0
Енэгуягъо, сэ ситIысыпIэ утес. I -h-n-----’r---it-ing-in -y ---t. I think you’re sitting in my seat. I t-i-k y-u-r- s-t-i-g i- m- s-a-. ---------------------------------- I think you’re sitting in my seat. 0
Узыщычъыен плъэкIыщт вагоныр тыдэ щыI? Wh--- -s-the sleep--? Where is the sleeper? W-e-e i- t-e s-e-p-r- --------------------- Where is the sleeper? 0
Узыщычъыен плъэкIыщт вагоныр мэшIокум ыкIэкIэ щыI. Th--sl-eper-i--a--t-e -n---f-the t-a-n. The sleeper is at the end of the train. T-e s-e-p-r i- a- t-e e-d o- t-e t-a-n- --------------------------------------- The sleeper is at the end of the train. 0
Вагон-рестораныр тыдэ щыI? – МэшIокум ышъхьэкIэ щыI. And wh-r--is-t-e ---i-- ca-- – A---h- -ro-t. And where is the dining car? – At the front. A-d w-e-e i- t-e d-n-n- c-r- – A- t-e f-o-t- -------------------------------------------- And where is the dining car? – At the front. 0
ЫчIэгърэ гъолъыпIэм сыщычъыемэ хъущта? Ca- I-s---p be---? Can I sleep below? C-n I s-e-p b-l-w- ------------------ Can I sleep below? 0
Азыфагурэ гъолъыпIэм сыщычъыемэ хъущта? Ca- ---l-ep-in --- -i---e? Can I sleep in the middle? C-n I s-e-p i- t-e m-d-l-? -------------------------- Can I sleep in the middle? 0
Ышъхьагърэ гъолъыпIэм сыщычъыемэ хъущта? C------l--p--t -h- -op? Can I sleep at the top? C-n I s-e-p a- t-e t-p- ----------------------- Can I sleep at the top? 0
Сыдигъуа къэралыгъо гъунапкъэм тызынэсыщтыр? W-e- -ill-----et -o-t-e bo-de-? When will we get to the border? W-e- w-l- w- g-t t- t-e b-r-e-? ------------------------------- When will we get to the border? 0
Берлин нэс гъогум сыд фэдиз уахътэу текIуадэрэр? Ho- -o--------th---o-rney to -e--i- t-ke? How long does the journey to Berlin take? H-w l-n- d-e- t-e j-u-n-y t- B-r-i- t-k-? ----------------------------------------- How long does the journey to Berlin take? 0
МэшIокур къэгужъуа? I- -h---rain de---e-? Is the train delayed? I- t-e t-a-n d-l-y-d- --------------------- Is the train delayed? 0
Узэджэн горэ уиIа? Do-----ha-----m----n---- ----? Do you have something to read? D- y-u h-v- s-m-t-i-g t- r-a-? ------------------------------ Do you have something to read? 0
Мыщ зыгорэ щыпшхын е ущешъон плъэкIынэу щыта? Ca---n--g-t-so--thi-g to e-t--nd to--r-nk--e--? Can one get something to eat and to drink here? C-n o-e g-t s-m-t-i-g t- e-t a-d t- d-i-k h-r-? ----------------------------------------------- Can one get something to eat and to drink here? 0
Сыхьатыр блым сыкъэгъэущ, хъущтмэ. C--l---o- pl-a-----ke ------at-7-o-clo-k? Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock? C-u-d y-u p-e-s- w-k- m- u- a- 7 o-c-o-k- ----------------------------------------- Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock? 0


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