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36 [щэкIырэ хырэ]

ЦIыфзещэ транспорт

ЦIыфзещэ транспорт

36 [thirty-six]

Public transportation

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Автобус къэуцупIэр тыдэ щыI? Whe----s---- bus--to-? Where is the bus stop? W-e-e i- t-e b-s s-o-? ---------------------- Where is the bus stop? 0
Тара автобусэу къэлэ гупчэм кIорэр? W---h-b---goe- t----- ci---ce-t---- -e-t-r--a--)? Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)? W-i-h b-s g-e- t- t-e c-t- c-n-r- / c-n-e- (-m-)- ------------------------------------------------- Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)? 0
Тара гъогоу сызытехьан фаер? Whi-h-b-s -o-I ---e-to---ke? Which bus do I have to take? W-i-h b-s d- I h-v- t- t-k-? ---------------------------- Which bus do I have to take? 0
Сэ нэмыкIым ситIысхьажьын фая? D- --hav--t- ----ge? Do I have to change? D- I h-v- t- c-a-g-? -------------------- Do I have to change? 0
Тыдэрэ чIыпIэм нэмыкIым сыщитIысхьажьын фая? Where do I-h-ve -o----n--? Where do I have to change? W-e-e d- I h-v- t- c-a-g-? -------------------------- Where do I have to change? 0
Билетым тхьапш ыуас? H-w m--h does a t-c--t-cos-? How much does a ticket cost? H-w m-c- d-e- a t-c-e- c-s-? ---------------------------- How much does a ticket cost? 0
Гупчэм нэс уцупIэ тхьапш щыIэр? H-w m--y-stops are-t--r---e--r- do---ow--/-th--cit- -e-tr-? How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? H-w m-n- s-o-s a-e t-e-e b-f-r- d-w-t-w- / t-e c-t- c-n-r-? ----------------------------------------------------------- How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? 0
Мыщ дэжьым о уикIын фае. Y-u-h--e-to---t of---ere. You have to get off here. Y-u h-v- t- g-t o-f h-r-. ------------------------- You have to get off here. 0
О ыкIэкIэ уикIын фае. You ha-e to ge---ff at--he -a-k. You have to get off at the back. Y-u h-v- t- g-t o-f a- t-e b-c-. -------------------------------- You have to get off at the back. 0
КъыкIэлъыкIорэ мэшIокур такъикъитфкIэ метром къэсыщт. T----ex--t---n--- i--5--i--te-. The next train is in 5 minutes. T-e n-x- t-a-n i- i- 5 m-n-t-s- ------------------------------- The next train is in 5 minutes. 0
КъыкIэлъыкIорэ трамваир такъикъипшIкIэ къэсыщт. T-- n--t-tr-m----in--0--i-utes. The next tram is in 10 minutes. T-e n-x- t-a- i- i- 1- m-n-t-s- ------------------------------- The next tram is in 10 minutes. 0
КъыкIэлъыкIорэ автобусыр такъикъ пшIыкIутфкIэ къэсыщт. T---ne-t bu- is i- ----in----. The next bus is in 15 minutes. T-e n-x- b-s i- i- 1- m-n-t-s- ------------------------------ The next bus is in 15 minutes. 0
Сыдигъуа аужырэ мэшIокур метром зыщыIукIрэр? W-----s the---st -rain? When is the last train? W-e- i- t-e l-s- t-a-n- ----------------------- When is the last train? 0
Сыдигъуа аужырэ трамваир зыIукIрэр? When i- th- l----t--m? When is the last tram? W-e- i- t-e l-s- t-a-? ---------------------- When is the last tram? 0
Сыдигъуа аужырэ автобусыр зыIукIрэр? W----is the l--- -us? When is the last bus? W-e- i- t-e l-s- b-s- --------------------- When is the last bus? 0
Билет уиIа? D---o- ---e-- tic---? Do you have a ticket? D- y-u h-v- a t-c-e-? --------------------- Do you have a ticket? 0
Билет? – Хьау, сиIэп. A t-c--t- ----,----on’- --v- o--. A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. A t-c-e-? – N-, I d-n-t h-v- o-e- --------------------------------- A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. 0
Ащыгъум тазыр птын фае. The- y-- --ve -o pay a f--e. Then you have to pay a fine. T-e- y-u h-v- t- p-y a f-n-. ---------------------------- Then you have to pay a fine. 0


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