
ad Банкым   »   en At the bank

60 [тIокIищ]



60 [sixty]

At the bank

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Сэ счёт къызэIусхы сшIоигъу. I ---l- -i-- ---o-e---n -c-o---. I would like to open an account. I w-u-d l-k- t- o-e- a- a-c-u-t- -------------------------------- I would like to open an account. 0
Мары сипаспорт. He-- i- my -a---o--. Here is my passport. H-r- i- m- p-s-p-r-. -------------------- Here is my passport. 0
Сиадреси мары. And he-e -s----ad-r--s. And here is my address. A-d h-r- i- m- a-d-e-s- ----------------------- And here is my address. 0
Сэ сисчёт ахъщэ изгъахьэ сшIоигъу. I --n--t--deposi- --n---in -- --co-nt. I want to deposit money in my account. I w-n- t- d-p-s-t m-n-y i- m- a-c-u-t- -------------------------------------- I want to deposit money in my account. 0
Сэ сисчёт ахъщэ къисхы сшIоигъу. I-w-nt----wit----w-m---y-f--- -----co-n-. I want to withdraw money from my account. I w-n- t- w-t-d-a- m-n-y f-o- m- a-c-u-t- ----------------------------------------- I want to withdraw money from my account. 0
Сэ сисчёт къыхэтхыкIыгъэхэр сштэжьынэу сыфай. I w--- t- -i-k ----h---a-----a---e--s. I want to pick up the bank statements. I w-n- t- p-c- u- t-e b-n- s-a-e-e-t-. -------------------------------------- I want to pick up the bank statements. 0
Гъогу чекымкIэ ахъщэ къисхы сшIоигъу. I-wa-t--- cash-a--ravel--r’s c---u- / -r-ve-e-’s check-(am.-. I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). I w-n- t- c-s- a t-a-e-l-r-s c-e-u- / t-a-e-e-’- c-e-k (-m-)- ------------------------------------------------------------- I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). 0
УлэупкIэр тхьапш? W--t-are t-----es? What are the fees? W-a- a-e t-e f-e-? ------------------ What are the fees? 0
Та чIыпIэм сыкIэтхэщт? W-er---h--l--I --gn? Where should I sign? W-e-e s-o-l- I s-g-? -------------------- Where should I sign? 0
Германием ахъщэ къысфырагъэхьыкIынэу сежэ. I’m ex----i-- --t--n--e- --o- --r--n-. I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. I-m e-p-c-i-g a t-a-s-e- f-o- G-r-a-y- -------------------------------------- I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. 0
Мары сисчёт иномер. H-re--s my-ac--u-- nu--er. Here is my account number. H-r- i- m- a-c-u-t n-m-e-. -------------------------- Here is my account number. 0
Ахъщэр къэсыгъа? H-- the --ne--ar----d? Has the money arrived? H-s t-e m-n-y a-r-v-d- ---------------------- Has the money arrived? 0
Сэ ахъщэ зэблэсхъу сшIоигъу. I w-n----------e-m---y. I want to change money. I w-n- t- c-a-g- m-n-y- ----------------------- I want to change money. 0
Сэ Америкэ доллар сищыкIагъэр. I -ee- ------lars. I need US-Dollars. I n-e- U---o-l-r-. ------------------ I need US-Dollars. 0
Нахь макIэ зэрыт ахъщэхэр къысэт, хъущтмэ. Co-l---------a-e----e-m--sm-l- ---------ills----.)? Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? C-u-d y-u p-e-s- g-v- m- s-a-l n-t-s / b-l-s (-m-)- --------------------------------------------------- Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? 0
Банкомат мыщ щыIа? Is---er- --ca--poi-t-- ---A-M-(a-.-? Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? I- t-e-e a c-s-p-i-t / a- A-M (-m-)- ------------------------------------ Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? 0
Ахъщэ тхьапш къипхын узыфитыр? H---m-c- m---y c-n one wi-h-raw? How much money can one withdraw? H-w m-c- m-n-y c-n o-e w-t-d-a-? -------------------------------- How much money can one withdraw? 0
Сыд фэдэ кредит картэх бгъэфедэмэ хъущтхэр? Whi-- c-ed-- ca-ds --n---e--s-? Which credit cards can one use? W-i-h c-e-i- c-r-s c-n o-e u-e- ------------------------------- Which credit cards can one use? 0


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