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71 [тIокIищрэ пшIыкIузырэ]

Зыгорэм фэен

Зыгорэм фэен

71 [seventy-one]

to want something

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Сыд шъузыфаер? Wh-- d----u --n- -----? What do you want to do? W-a- d- y-u w-n- t- d-? ----------------------- What do you want to do? 0
Футбол шъуешIэнэу шъуфая? Do yo--w-n--to--l-y-f--tba-l --s---er -a--)? Do you want to play football / soccer (am.)? D- y-u w-n- t- p-a- f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-)- -------------------------------------------- Do you want to play football / soccer (am.)? 0
Шъуиныбджэгъухэр зэжъугъэлъэгъухэ шъушIоигъуа? D- --u wa-t t----s-t-frien-s? Do you want to visit friends? D- y-u w-n- t- v-s-t f-i-n-s- ----------------------------- Do you want to visit friends? 0
фэен / шIоигъон t- -ant to want t- w-n- ------- to want 0
КIасэу сыкъэкIожьы сшIоигъоп. I don-- ------------v- l---. I don’t want to arrive late. I d-n-t w-n- t- a-r-v- l-t-. ---------------------------- I don’t want to arrive late. 0
Ащ сыкIонэу сыфаеп. I d-n-- -ant-t- go t--r-. I don’t want to go there. I d-n-t w-n- t- g- t-e-e- ------------------------- I don’t want to go there. 0
Унэм сыкIожьы сшIоигъу. I---n- to -- ----. I want to go home. I w-n- t- g- h-m-. ------------------ I want to go home. 0
Унэм сыкъинэ сшIоигъу. I---nt-t--s-a---t --m-. I want to stay at home. I w-n- t- s-a- a- h-m-. ----------------------- I want to stay at home. 0
Сизакъоу сыкъанэ сшIоигъу. I -a---to-b- a-o-e. I want to be alone. I w-n- t- b- a-o-e- ------------------- I want to be alone. 0
Мыщ укъанэ пшIоигъуа? Do y-- ---t t- stay h-r-? Do you want to stay here? D- y-u w-n- t- s-a- h-r-? ------------------------- Do you want to stay here? 0
Мыщ ущышхэ пшIоигъуа? Do-y-u-w--t-to eat -er-? Do you want to eat here? D- y-u w-n- t- e-t h-r-? ------------------------ Do you want to eat here? 0
Мыщ ущычъые пшIоигъуа? D--you--an- t- s--ep h---? Do you want to sleep here? D- y-u w-n- t- s-e-p h-r-? -------------------------- Do you want to sleep here? 0
Неущ шъуежьэжьы шъушIоигъуа? D----u -a---t---eave t-morr--? Do you want to leave tomorrow? D- y-u w-n- t- l-a-e t-m-r-o-? ------------------------------ Do you want to leave tomorrow? 0
Неущ нэсэ шъукъанэ шъушIоигъуа? D---o---ant--o--ta---ill -o-or---? Do you want to stay till tomorrow? D- y-u w-n- t- s-a- t-l- t-m-r-o-? ---------------------------------- Do you want to stay till tomorrow? 0
Счётыр неущ къэптымэ пшIоигъуа? D- ----w-nt--o -ay t-e --l--on-y -om--r-w? Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow? D- y-u w-n- t- p-y t-e b-l- o-l- t-m-r-o-? ------------------------------------------ Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow? 0
Дискотекэм шъукIонэу шъуфая? D- ----want-to --------e-d-sc-? Do you want to go to the disco? D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- t-e d-s-o- ------------------------------- Do you want to go to the disco? 0
Кином шъукIонэу шъуфая? Do-y-u-wa-t to-go t- ------nema? Do you want to go to the cinema? D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- t-e c-n-m-? -------------------------------- Do you want to go to the cinema? 0
Кафем шъукIонэу шъуфая? D- ----------- go--o - -afé? Do you want to go to a café? D- y-u w-n- t- g- t- a c-f-? ---------------------------- Do you want to go to a café? 0


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