
ad БлэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 4   »   em Past tense 4

84 [тIокIиплIырэ плIырэ]

БлэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 4

БлэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 4

84 [eighty-four]

Past tense 4

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адыгабзэ английский (US) Играть в более
еджэн t- -e-d to read t- r-a- ------- to read 0
Сэ зджыгъэ. I r-ad. I read. I r-a-. ------- I read. 0
Сэ романыр зэрэпсэоу зджыгъэ. I---a- --e--h--e no--l. I read the whole novel. I r-a- t-e w-o-e n-v-l- ----------------------- I read the whole novel. 0
гурыIон t- -nders--nd to understand t- u-d-r-t-n- ------------- to understand 0
Сэ къызгурыIуагъ. I -----st---. I understood. I u-d-r-t-o-. ------------- I understood. 0
Сэ тхыгъэр (текстыр) зэрэпсэоу къызгурыIуагъ. I u-----too- the-w---- te--. I understood the whole text. I u-d-r-t-o- t-e w-o-e t-x-. ---------------------------- I understood the whole text. 0
Джэуап етын to a-sw-r to answer t- a-s-e- --------- to answer 0
Сэ джэуап естыгъ. I--nswe--d. I answered. I a-s-e-e-. ----------- I answered. 0
Сэ упчIэхэм зэкIэм яджэуап ястыгъ. I a-s----- -l--t-e -ue-t--ns. I answered all the questions. I a-s-e-e- a-l t-e q-e-t-o-s- ----------------------------- I answered all the questions. 0
Сэ ар сэшIэ – сэ ар сшIэщтыгъэ. I-k-o---h---–-- --e---ha-. I know that – I knew that. I k-o- t-a- – I k-e- t-a-. -------------------------- I know that – I knew that. 0
Сэ ар сэтхы – ар стхыгъэ. I -ri-----at - - --o---t-a-. I write that – I wrote that. I w-i-e t-a- – I w-o-e t-a-. ---------------------------- I write that – I wrote that. 0
Сэ ар зэхэсэхы – ар зэхэсхыгъ. I---a--t-at – I--eard -h-t. I hear that – I heard that. I h-a- t-a- – I h-a-d t-a-. --------------------------- I hear that – I heard that. 0
Сэ ар сэштэ – сэ ар сштагъэ. I-l- -et -t------ot i-. I’ll get it – I got it. I-l- g-t i- – I g-t i-. ----------------------- I’ll get it – I got it. 0
Сэ ар сэхьы – сэ ар къэсхьыгъ. I’l- -rin---ha----I----ught-t---. I’ll bring that – I brought that. I-l- b-i-g t-a- – I b-o-g-t t-a-. --------------------------------- I’ll bring that – I brought that. 0
Сэ ар сэщэфы – сэ ар сщэфыгъэ. I’-l--uy -h-t --I b--gh- -ha-. I’ll buy that – I bought that. I-l- b-y t-a- – I b-u-h- t-a-. ------------------------------ I’ll buy that – I bought that. 0
Сэ ащ сежэ – сэ ащ сежагъ. I--x-e-t --a- – - --pe-t-d-that. I expect that – I expected that. I e-p-c- t-a- – I e-p-c-e- t-a-. -------------------------------- I expect that – I expected that. 0
Сэ ар гурысэгъаIо – сэ ар гурызгъэIуагъ. I----e-pl--- ---t---- ---lai-ed-t--t. I’ll explain that – I explained that. I-l- e-p-a-n t-a- – I e-p-a-n-d t-a-. ------------------------------------- I’ll explain that – I explained that. 0
Сэ ар сэшIэ – ар сшIэщтыгъ. I-kn-w-t----– - -n---t-a-. I know that – I knew that. I k-o- t-a- – I k-e- t-a-. -------------------------- I know that – I knew that. 0


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