
ad ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 3   »   en Subordinate clauses: if

93 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIущырэ]

ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 3

ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 3

93 [ninety-three]

Subordinate clauses: if

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ШIу селъэгъу Iоу сшIэрэп. I----’- k--w -f--- --ves -e. I d____ k___ i_ h_ l____ m__ I d-n-t k-o- i- h- l-v-s m-. ---------------------------- I don’t know if he loves me. 0
Къыгъэзэжьын Iоу сшIэрэп. I---n’t -no- i--h--l----m---a--. I d____ k___ i_ h____ c___ b____ I d-n-t k-o- i- h-’-l c-m- b-c-. -------------------------------- I don’t know if he’ll come back. 0
Къысфытеон Iоу сшIэрэп. I-d-n-t-kno--if-h-’------l --. I d____ k___ i_ h____ c___ m__ I d-n-t k-o- i- h-’-l c-l- m-. ------------------------------ I don’t know if he’ll call me. 0
ШIу селъэгъуа шъуIа? Ma--- h- d-esn’- love -e? M____ h_ d______ l___ m__ M-y-e h- d-e-n-t l-v- m-? ------------------------- Maybe he doesn’t love me? 0
Къыгъэзэжьына шъуIа? Ma--e -e-wo--- com- b-ck? M____ h_ w____ c___ b____ M-y-e h- w-n-t c-m- b-c-? ------------------------- Maybe he won’t come back? 0
ТелефонкIэ къысфытеона шъуIа? May-e he -o--t --l- --? M____ h_ w____ c___ m__ M-y-e h- w-n-t c-l- m-? ----------------------- Maybe he won’t call me? 0
СызэупчIыжьы, къысэгупшыса шъуIа. I--onde- if ----h---s ab--t -e. I w_____ i_ h_ t_____ a____ m__ I w-n-e- i- h- t-i-k- a-o-t m-. ------------------------------- I wonder if he thinks about me. 0
СызэупчIыжьы, сэщ нэмыкI иI шъуIа. I ---de- -f--e--a----m-on- e-s-. I w_____ i_ h_ h__ s______ e____ I w-n-e- i- h- h-s s-m-o-e e-s-. -------------------------------- I wonder if he has someone else. 0
СызэупчIыжьы, сыкъегъапцIа шъуIа. I----d-- ----e--ies. I w_____ i_ h_ l____ I w-n-e- i- h- l-e-. -------------------- I wonder if he lies. 0
Къысэгупшыса шъуIа? M-ybe-h- -----s ----e? M____ h_ t_____ o_ m__ M-y-e h- t-i-k- o- m-? ---------------------- Maybe he thinks of me? 0
Сэщ нэмыкI иIа шъуIа? M-y-e h- -a- -om-----el--? M____ h_ h__ s______ e____ M-y-e h- h-s s-m-o-e e-s-? -------------------------- Maybe he has someone else? 0
Шъыпкъэр къысеIуа шъуIа? Ma-be h- t-lls-m---h--truth? M____ h_ t____ m_ t__ t_____ M-y-e h- t-l-s m- t-e t-u-h- ---------------------------- Maybe he tells me the truth? 0
Сехъырэхъышэ, шъыпкъэу ыгу сырехьа шъуIа. I----b- --et-er--e-r-al-- li-es-m-. I d____ w______ h_ r_____ l____ m__ I d-u-t w-e-h-r h- r-a-l- l-k-s m-. ----------------------------------- I doubt whether he really likes me. 0
Сехъырэхъышэ, къысфэтхэна шъуIа. I --ub- -hether--e--- -ri--------. I d____ w______ h____ w____ t_ m__ I d-u-t w-e-h-r h-’-l w-i-e t- m-. ---------------------------------- I doubt whether he’ll write to me. 0
Сехъырэхъышэ, сищэна шъуIа. I -oubt -het--r he--- ----- m-. I d____ w______ h____ m____ m__ I d-u-t w-e-h-r h-’-l m-r-y m-. ------------------------------- I doubt whether he’ll marry me. 0
Шъыпкъэу ыгу сырехьа шъуIа? D--s----re-l---l-ke me? D___ h_ r_____ l___ m__ D-e- h- r-a-l- l-k- m-? ----------------------- Does he really like me? 0
Къысфэтхэна шъуIа? W-l- -- wri-e-t---e? W___ h_ w____ t_ m__ W-l- h- w-i-e t- m-? -------------------- Will he write to me? 0
Сищэна шъуIа? Will h--m--ry-me? W___ h_ m____ m__ W-l- h- m-r-y m-? ----------------- Will he marry me? 0


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