የሐረጉ መጽሐፍ

am በመንገድ ላይ   »   en En route

37 [ሰላሣ ሰባት]

በመንገድ ላይ

በመንገድ ላይ

37 [thirty-seven]

En route

ትርጉሙን እንዴት ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ፡-   
አማርኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ይጫወቱ ተጨማሪ
እሱ በሞተር ሳይክል ይሄዳል። H--dr---s-a-m--or-i--. H_ d_____ a m_________ H- d-i-e- a m-t-r-i-e- ---------------------- He drives a motorbike. 0
እሱ በሳይክል ይሄዳል። H---ides-a bi-y---. H_ r____ a b_______ H- r-d-s a b-c-c-e- ------------------- He rides a bicycle. 0
እሱ በእግሩ ይሄዳል። He --lk-. H_ w_____ H- w-l-s- --------- He walks. 0
እሱ በመርከብ ይሄዳል። H- --e- -y--h--. H_ g___ b_ s____ H- g-e- b- s-i-. ---------------- He goes by ship. 0
እሱ በጀልባ ይሄዳል። H- -oes--y-b--t. H_ g___ b_ b____ H- g-e- b- b-a-. ---------------- He goes by boat. 0
እሱ ይዋኛል። He--wims. H_ s_____ H- s-i-s- --------- He swims. 0
እዚህ አደገኛ ነው። I- i---a-g-rous--e-e? I_ i_ d________ h____ I- i- d-n-e-o-s h-r-? --------------------- Is it dangerous here? 0
ለብቻ ሊፍት መጠየቅ አደገኛ ነው። Is-i- da-ger-u---- hit-h---- --o-e? I_ i_ d________ t_ h________ a_____ I- i- d-n-e-o-s t- h-t-h-i-e a-o-e- ----------------------------------- Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? 0
በለሊት የእግር ጉዞ አደገኛ ነው። I--it----ge---s t------or a -alk-at -i-ht? I_ i_ d________ t_ g_ f__ a w___ a_ n_____ I- i- d-n-e-o-s t- g- f-r a w-l- a- n-g-t- ------------------------------------------ Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? 0
ያለንበት ጠፍቶናል። We -o- lost. W_ g__ l____ W- g-t l-s-. ------------ We got lost. 0
እኛ በተሳሳተ መንገድ ላይ ነን። W--re------e-w-o-g---ad. W____ o_ t__ w____ r____ W-’-e o- t-e w-o-g r-a-. ------------------------ We’re on the wrong road. 0
ወደ ኋላ መመለስ አለብን። We --s- turn --o-n-. W_ m___ t___ a______ W- m-s- t-r- a-o-n-. -------------------- We must turn around. 0
የት ነው መኪና ማቆም የሚቻለው? Wh--- -a- -ne ---- h--e? W____ c__ o__ p___ h____ W-e-e c-n o-e p-r- h-r-? ------------------------ Where can one park here? 0
እዚህ መኪና ማቆሚያ አለ? I- -here-a-p--king -ot-here? I_ t____ a p______ l__ h____ I- t-e-e a p-r-i-g l-t h-r-? ---------------------------- Is there a parking lot here? 0
ለምን ያክል ጊዜ ነው ማቆም የሚቻለው? H-w l-ng c-n--n- -----her-? H__ l___ c__ o__ p___ h____ H-w l-n- c-n o-e p-r- h-r-? --------------------------- How long can one park here? 0
በበረዶ ላይ ይንሸራተታሉ? Do -ou s-i? D_ y__ s___ D- y-u s-i- ----------- Do you ski? 0
በበረዶ አሳንሱር ወደ ላይ ይሄዳሉ? Do---u take---e s---li---to---- t--? D_ y__ t___ t__ s__ l___ t_ t__ t___ D- y-u t-k- t-e s-i l-f- t- t-e t-p- ------------------------------------ Do you take the ski lift to the top? 0
የበረዶ ላይ መንሸራተቻ እዚህ መከራየት ይቻላል? Can -ne-rent -----h-re? C__ o__ r___ s___ h____ C-n o-e r-n- s-i- h-r-? ----------------------- Can one rent skis here? 0


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