የሐረጉ መጽሐፍ

am ደስተኞች 1   »   em Negation 1

64 [ስልሳ አራት]

ደስተኞች 1

ደስተኞች 1

64 [sixty-four]

Negation 1

ትርጉሙን እንዴት ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ፡-   
አማርኛ እንግሊዝኛ (US) ይጫወቱ ተጨማሪ
ቃሉ አልገባኝም። I -on--------s------h- ---d. I d____ u_________ t__ w____ I d-n-t u-d-r-t-n- t-e w-r-. ---------------------------- I don’t understand the word. 0
አረፍተ ነገሩ አልገባኝም። I ---’t-unde-sta---th--se---n--. I d____ u_________ t__ s________ I d-n-t u-d-r-t-n- t-e s-n-e-c-. -------------------------------- I don’t understand the sentence. 0
ትርጉሙ አልገባኝም። I-d-n-t-u--e-st-n--the--eani-g. I d____ u_________ t__ m_______ I d-n-t u-d-r-t-n- t-e m-a-i-g- ------------------------------- I don’t understand the meaning. 0
መምህሩ the -e---er t__ t______ t-e t-a-h-r ----------- the teacher 0
መምህሩን ይረዱታል? Do you--nd-----nd -he-teac-e-? D_ y__ u_________ t__ t_______ D- y-u u-d-r-t-n- t-e t-a-h-r- ------------------------------ Do you understand the teacher? 0
አዎ ፤ ጥሩ እረዳዋለው። Y----- un-e--ta-- --m--e--. Y___ I u_________ h__ w____ Y-s- I u-d-r-t-n- h-m w-l-. --------------------------- Yes, I understand him well. 0
መምህሯ t-- t--cher t__ t______ t-e t-a-h-r ----------- the teacher 0
መምህሯን ይረዷታል? D- y-u -n--r--and the -e--he-? D_ y__ u_________ t__ t_______ D- y-u u-d-r-t-n- t-e t-a-h-r- ------------------------------ Do you understand the teacher? 0
አዎ ፤ ጥሩ እረዳታለው። Y--, I-und--st--d --r--el-. Y___ I u_________ h__ w____ Y-s- I u-d-r-t-n- h-r w-l-. --------------------------- Yes, I understand her well. 0
ህዝብ th---eo--e t__ p_____ t-e p-o-l- ---------- the people 0
ህዝቡን ይረዱታል? Do y-u und---t-n- --e p-o-l-? D_ y__ u_________ t__ p______ D- y-u u-d-r-t-n- t-e p-o-l-? ----------------------------- Do you understand the people? 0
አይ ፤እነሱን ጥሩ አልረዳቸውም። No, I-don-t -nd-rs--nd t--- ----ell. N__ I d____ u_________ t___ s_ w____ N-, I d-n-t u-d-r-t-n- t-e- s- w-l-. ------------------------------------ No, I don’t understand them so well. 0
ሴት ጋደኛ th--g-r--ri--d t__ g_________ t-e g-r-f-i-n- -------------- the girlfriend 0
ሴት ጋደኛ አለዎት? D- yo- h--- - --rl--i---? D_ y__ h___ a g__________ D- y-u h-v- a g-r-f-i-n-? ------------------------- Do you have a girlfriend? 0
አዎ ፤ አለኝ። Ye-- --d-. Y___ I d__ Y-s- I d-. ---------- Yes, I do. 0
ሴት ልጅ th- -----t-r t__ d_______ t-e d-u-h-e- ------------ the daughter 0
ሴት ልጅ አለዎት? Do y-u ---e-- daug----? D_ y__ h___ a d________ D- y-u h-v- a d-u-h-e-? ----------------------- Do you have a daughter? 0
አይ ፤ የለኝም። N---- d----. N__ I d_____ N-, I d-n-t- ------------ No, I don’t. 0


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