Test 17

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Sep 21, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. nana / nena
the   See hint
2. osam
3. Narandža je narandžasta.
The orange orange.   See hint
4. Imaš li vadičep?
you have a corkscrew?   See hint
5. Koje još znamenitosti postoje?
Are there other places of interest?   See hint
6. Htio / htjela bih voće ili sir.
I would some fruit or cheese.   See hint
7. On se vozi motorom.
He drives motorbike.   See hint
8. Koliko košta ulaz?
How much the entrance fee?   See hint
9. Može li se ovdje iznajmiti suncobran?
Can rent a sun umbrella / parasol here?   See hint
10. Ja tražim slastičarnu.
I’m looking a confectionery.   See hint