Test 23

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. sestra
the   See hint
2. Tri su sata.
is three o’clock.   See hint
3. Gume su crne.
The / tires (am.) are black.   See hint
4. Ovdje su čaše, tanjiri i salvete.
Here are glasses, plates and napkins.   See hint
5. Vidiš li tamo most?
Do you the bridge there?   See hint
6. Tost s kobasicom i sirom?
with sausage and cheese?   See hint
7. Da li je ovdje opasno?
Is dangerous here?   See hint
8. Tko je sagradio tu zgradu?
Who the building?   See hint
9. Može li se iznajmiti daska za surfanje?
one rent a surfboard?   See hint
10. Ja tražim slastičarnu da kupim tortu.
looking for a confectionery to buy a cake.   See hint