Test 37

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Koliko dugo ste već ovdje?
How long you been here for?   See hint
2. Ponedjeljak
3. Ja imam jabuku i mango.
I have apple and a mango.   See hint
4. Upravo čitam ovu knjigu.
I am reading this book.   See hint
5. dvadeset i sedam
6. Ja rado jedem kukuruz.
I like eat (sweet) corn.   See hint
7. Koliko košta do željezničke stanice?
does it cost to go to the station?   See hint
8. Gdje su pingvini?
Where the penguins?   See hint
9. U našem gradu ima fudbalski stadion.
There a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.   See hint
10. Želim studirati na univerzitetu.
want to go to college.   See hint