Test 41

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Posjetite me jednom!
do visit me sometime   See hint
2. Petak
3. Ja jedem tost s maslacem.
I am toast with butter.   See hint
4. Idete li rado u operu?
you like to go to the opera?   See hint
5. Trebam dvokrevetnu sobu.
need a double room.   See hint
6. Jedete li Vi rado i kiseli kupus?
Do you like to eat sauerkraut?   See hint
7. Tamo na uglu lijevo, molim.
Please turn at the corner.   See hint
8. Tamo je kafić.
There is café over there.   See hint
9. Njemački tim igra protiv engleskog.
German team is playing against the English one.   See hint
10. Ovo je moj šef.
That is boss.   See hint