Test 18

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. otac
father   See hint
2. Izvinite! / Oprostite!
3. Trešnja je crvena.
The is red.   See hint
4. Kuhaš li supu u ovom loncu?
Are you the soup in this pot?   See hint
5. dvadeset i šest
6. Htjeli / htjele bismo doručkovati.
We would to have breakfast.   See hint
7. On se vozi biciklom.
He rides bicycle.   See hint
8. Ima li popust za grupe?
Is there discount for groups?   See hint
9. Može li se ovdje iznajmiti ležaljka?
Can one a deck chair here?   See hint
10. Naime, namjeravam kupiti prsten.
I actually to buy a ring.   See hint