Test 84

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Ja čitam jedno slovo.
read a letter (character).   See hint
2. dvanaest
3. Tamo stoji moj kompjuter.
My is there.   See hint
4. Nemaš mobitel kod sebe?
Don’t have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?   See hint
5. Htio / htjela bih čaj sa limunom.
I’d like tea with lemon.   See hint
6. Htio / Htjela bih rezervisati let za Atinu.
like to book a flight to Athens.   See hint
7. Skrenite zatim u prvu ulicu desno.
Then turn the first street on your right.   See hint
8. Jeste li često ovdje?
you come here often?   See hint
9. Ja hoću do supermarketa da kupim voće i povrće.
I want go the supermarket buy fruit and vegetables.   See hint
10. Ja crtam muškarca.
am drawing a man.   See hint