Fonaments | Primers auxilis | Frases per a principiants

Hi! How are you?
Bon dia! Com estàs?

I'm fine!
Estic bé!

I'm not so fine!
No em trobo tan bé!

Good morning!
Bon dia!

Good evening!
Bona tarda!

Good night!
Bona nit!

Goodbye! Bye!
Adéu! Adéu!

Where do the people come from?
D'on ve la gent?

I'm from Africa.
Vinc d'Àfrica.

I'm from the USA.
Sóc dels EUA.

My passport is gone and my money is gone.
El meu passaport ha desaparegut i els meus diners han desaparegut.

Oh, I'm sorry!
Oh, ho sento!

I speak French.
Parlo francès.

I can't speak French very well.
No parlo molt bé el francès.

I can't understand you!
No et puc entendre!

Can you please speak slowly?
Pots parlar a poc a poc?

Can you please repeat that?
Pots repetir-ho?

Can you please write that down?
Pots escriure això si us plau?

Who is that? What does he do?
Qui és això? Què està fent?

I don't know.
No ho sé.

What's your name?
Com et dius?

My name is...
El meu nom és…

Thank you!

You're welcome.

What do you do for a living?
Què fas per guanyar-te la vida?

I work in Germany.
Treballo a Alemanya.

Can I buy you a coffee?
Et puc comprar un cafè?

Can I invite you to dinner?
Et puc convidar a sopar?

Are you married?
Estàs casat?

Do you have children? - Yes, a daughter and a son.
Tens fills? - Sí, una filla i un fill.

I'm still single.
Encara estic solter.

The menu, please!
El menú, si us plau!

You are looking pretty.
Et veus guapa.

I like you.
M'agrada tu.


I love you.

Can I take you home?
Et puc portar a casa?

Yes! - No! - Maybe!
Sí! - No! - Potser!

The check, please!
La factura, si us plau!

We want to go to the train station.
Volem anar a l'estació de tren.

Go straight, then right, then left.
Anar recte, després a la dreta, després a l'esquerra.

I'm lost.
Estic perdut.

When does the bus come?
Quan ve l'autobús?

I need a taxi.
Necessito un taxi.

How much does it cost?
Quant costa?

That's too expensive!
Això és massa car!


Can you help me?
Em pots ajudar?

What happened?
Què va passar?

I need a doctor!
Necessito un metge!

Where does it hurt?
On fa mal?

I feel dizzy.
Em sento marejat.

I have a headache.
Tinc mal de cap.