Prova 63

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Estudiar llengües és interessant.
Learning languages interesting.   See hint
2. Demà és dilluns.
Tomorrow Monday.   See hint
3. Plou.
It raining.   See hint
4. Que vol venir també?
Are you coming?   See hint
5. L’habitació és massa fosca.
room is too dark.   See hint
6. De quina andana surt el tren?
From which does the train leave?   See hint
7. Busco un taller.
I’m looking a garage.   See hint
8. Que hi ha una pista de tennis a prop?
Is there tennis court nearby?   See hint
9. Que és calenta l’aigua?
Is the warm?   See hint
10. (Ells / Elles) tenen set.
They thirsty.   See hint