Prova 47

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Tue Sep 24, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Fins aviat!
See soon   See hint
2. El segon dia és el dimarts.
second day is Tuesday.   See hint
3. Necessitem peix i bistecs.
need fish and steaks.   See hint
4. Li agrada el nostre país / la nostra ciutat?
How do like it here?   See hint
5. Hi ha caixa forta aquí?
there a safe here?   See hint
6. No m’agraden les olives.
don’t like olives.   See hint
7. Ja torno de seguida.
be back immediately.   See hint
8. On hi ha una discoteca per aquí?
there a disco here?   See hint
9. Gol! U a zero!
One – zero   See hint
10. cinquanta-sis