Prova 98

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Tu escrius.
You ,   See hint
2. No m’agrada el vi.
do not like wine.   See hint
3. (Jo) planxo la roba.
am ironing the clothes.   See hint
4. Et vinc a buscar a la parada d’autobús.
I will you up at the bus stop.   See hint
5. M’agradaria una ampolla de xampany.
I’d like bottle of champagne.   See hint
6. Quant equipatge puc portar?
How much can I take?   See hint
7. On puc comprar bitllets?
can one buy tickets?   See hint
8. No oblidis el teu passaport!
forget your passport   See hint
9. Necessito una pilota de futbol i un joc d’escacs.
need a football and a chess board.   See hint
10. L’home és de neu.
The man made of snow.   See hint