Prova 75

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Les capitals són grans i sorolloses.
Capital cities big and noisy.   See hint
2. abril, maig i juny.
April, and June.   See hint
3. Hi ha un jardí darrera de la casa.
There is garden behind the house.   See hint
4. Té un lleuger accent.
You only a slight accent.   See hint
5. Voldria la carta, si us plau.
I would the menu, please.   See hint
6. On és el cotxe-llit?
Where the sleeper?   See hint
7. On hi ha un bon restaurant per aquí?
Is there good restaurant around here?   See hint
8. La pel•lícula era de suspens.
The film exciting.   See hint
9. Vull anar a la llibreria per comprar un llibre.
I want go the bookstore buy a book.   See hint
10. Encara em fa mal l’esquena.
always have back pain.   See hint