Prova 2

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. nosaltres dos / nosaltres dues
both us   See hint
2. A les dones els agrada el suc de taronja i el suc d’aranja.
The woman orange and grapefruit juice.   See hint
3. Qui neteja les finestres?
Who washes windows?   See hint
4. M’agradaria anar al centre de la ciutat.
I like to go to the city centre / center (am.).   See hint
5. Com vaig a l’estació?
How do get to the station?   See hint
6. Desitjaria un plat sense carn.
I’d like without meat.   See hint
7. Quan comença la visita guiada?
does the tour begin?   See hint
8. Enduu-te ulleres de sol.
the sun-glasses with you.   See hint
9. On són les joies?
Where the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department?   See hint
10. Necessito un anell i arracades.
I need ring and earrings.   See hint