Prova 36

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. En quin hotel s’allotja vostè?
In which are you staying?   See hint
2. nou
3. (Jo) tinc una taronja i una aranja.
I have orange and a grapefruit.   See hint
4. Aquí són els meus llibres.
These are books.   See hint
5. Em sembla horrible.
I find terrible.   See hint
6. Que teniu coliflor?
Do you cauliflower?   See hint
7. Si us plau, em pot trucar un taxi?
Please a taxi.   See hint
8. On puc trobar piles?
Where can find a battery?   See hint
9. A vegades nedem.
We sometimes.   See hint
10. M’agradaria ser enginyer.
I would to become an engineer.   See hint