Prova 6

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. el nen
child   See hint
2. Tu comptes.
count.   See hint
3. (Ella) està veient una pel•lícula.
is watching a film.   See hint
4. Que tens una nova cuina?
Do you a new kitchen?   See hint
5. Em fa falta un taxi.
I a taxi.   See hint
6. Vol acompanyament de pasta / fideus?
Would you that with pasta?   See hint
7. Quantes parades hi ha fins al centre?
How stops are there before downtown / the city centre?   See hint
8. Voldria un guia que parli italià.
I would a guide who speaks Italian.   See hint
9. Et vols emportar un paraigua?
Do you to take an umbrella?   See hint
10. Busquem una botiga d’esports.
We’re looking a sports shop.   See hint