Prova 15

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. dos / [dues
2. Vuit. El vuitè.
Eight. eighth.   See hint
3. La neu és blanca.
Snow white.   See hint
4. Que tens un obrellaunes?
Do have a tin opener / can opener (am.)?   See hint
5. Vagi al port.
Go the harbour / harbor (am.).   See hint
6. Voldria unes postres.
would like a dessert.   See hint
7. Que té bitllet?
you have a ticket?   See hint
8. Es pot fer fotos?
Can one photographs?   See hint
9. Ens podem banyar allà?
Can swim there?   See hint
10. Busco un joier.
I’m for a jeweller / jeweler (am.).   See hint