Prova 53

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Aquesta és la mestra.
That is teacher.   See hint
2. La setmana té set dies.
week has seven days.   See hint
3. Les estacions i el temps
Seasons Weather   See hint
4. vint-i-dos
5. A quina hora se serveix el sopar?
What time you serve dinner?   See hint
6. A quina hora surt el tren que va a Varsòvia?
When does train for Warsaw leave?   See hint
7. Porti’m a la platja.
me to the beach.   See hint
8. Encara hi ha entrades per al teatre?
Are for the theatre / theater (am.) still available?   See hint
9. Tens un banyador?
you have swimming trunks?   See hint
10. Tenir temps
to time   See hint