Prova 56

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Thu Oct 03, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. (Nosaltres) estudiem una llengua.
are learning a language.   See hint
2. Ahir - avui - demà
– today – tomorrow   See hint
3. L’estiu és calorós.
The is warm.   See hint
4. No, no gens.
No, not.   See hint
5. No hi ha aigua calenta.
is no warm water.   See hint
6. Voldria un bitllet per Madrid.
I’d like ticket to Madrid.   See hint
7. Tinc una roda punxada.
I a flat tyre / tire (am.).   See hint
8. Vull seure al fons.
I want sit in the back.   See hint
9. Saps fer submarinisme?
Can dive?   See hint
10. Avorrir-se
to bored   See hint