Prova 67

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Fri Oct 04, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Londres és a la Gran Bretanya.
is in Great Britain.   See hint
2. onze
3. Fa un bon dia.
It pleasant.   See hint
4. Parla portuguès també?
you also speak Portuguese?   See hint
5. (Això) no m’agrada.
don’t like that.   See hint
6. Quant costa una plaça al cotxe-llit?
What does berth in the sleeper cost?   See hint
7. Necessitem ajuda.
We help.   See hint
8. Volem anar al cinema.
want to go to the cinema.   See hint
9. cinquanta-u
10. Tinc una cita a les deu en punt.
I have appointment at ten o’clock.   See hint