Prova 70

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Fri Oct 04, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Ella parla espanyol.
She Spanish.   See hint
2. Març
3. Avui fa calor.
It warm today.   See hint
4. Les puc comprendre bé.
can understand them well.   See hint
5. Hi ha un alberg de joventut al barri?
Is there youth hostel nearby?   See hint
6. Quan surt el tren?
does the train leave?   See hint
7. Els papers, si us plau.
Your , please.   See hint
8. On és la taquilla?
is the cash register?   See hint
9. Vull anar al quiosc.
want to go to the newspaper stand.   See hint
10. El metge ja arriba.
The doctor on his way.   See hint