Prova 91

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. Ell llegeix.
reads.   See hint
2. Hi ha una festa aquí.
is a party here.   See hint
3. El meu marit renta el cotxe.
My husband washing the car.   See hint
4. Has planejat alguna cosa per aquest cap de setmana?
Do you have plans for this weekend?   See hint
5. (Jo) no tinc cullera.
missing a spoon.   See hint
6. Queden seients disponibles?
there two seats available?   See hint
7. Em podria donar un pla de la ciutat vostè?
Do you a city map for me?   See hint
8. No, millor una altra dia.
, maybe some other time.   See hint
9. Necessito sobres i paper de cartes.
need envelopes and stationery.   See hint
10. L’home balla i riu.
The man dancing and laughing.   See hint