Prova 8

Temps dedicat a la prova::

Sat Sep 21, 2024


Fes clic a una paraula
1. la meva família
family   See hint
2. U. El primer.
One. first.   See hint
3. Estudia idiomes.
He languages.   See hint
4. Que tens cuina elèctrica o de gas?
Do you on an electric or a gas stove?   See hint
5. Em fa falta un hotel.
I a hotel.   See hint
6. (Això) no m’agrada.
doesn’t taste good.   See hint
7. Heu de baixar per darrere.
You have get off at the back.   See hint
8. quaranta-dos
9. Pensa en corbates, cinturons i jaquetes.
Remember to ties, belts and sports jackets.   See hint
10. Busquem una farmàcia.
We’re for a pharmacy / drugstore (am.).   See hint