
da Arbejde   »   en Working

55 [femoghalvtreds]



55 [fifty-five]


Vælg, hvordan du vil se oversættelsen:   
Dansk Engelsk (UK) Afspil Yderligere
Hvad arbejder han som? W-at--o y---do ----a li--n-? What do you do for a living? W-a- d- y-u d- f-r a l-v-n-? ---------------------------- What do you do for a living? 0
Min mand er læge. My husb--d--s---doctor. My husband is a doctor. M- h-s-a-d i- a d-c-o-. ----------------------- My husband is a doctor. 0
Jeg arbejder deltids som sygeplejerske. I w-r- -s-------e----t----e. I work as a nurse part-time. I w-r- a- a n-r-e p-r---i-e- ---------------------------- I work as a nurse part-time. 0
Vi går snart på pension. W- -ill--oon ------- ou- -en----. We will soon receive our pension. W- w-l- s-o- r-c-i-e o-r p-n-i-n- --------------------------------- We will soon receive our pension. 0
Men skatten er høj. But -a-es-are---g-. But taxes are high. B-t t-x-s a-e h-g-. ------------------- But taxes are high. 0
Og sygesikringen er dyr. A-- h----h ins--an----s--x-e--ive. And health insurance is expensive. A-d h-a-t- i-s-r-n-e i- e-p-n-i-e- ---------------------------------- And health insurance is expensive. 0
Hvad vil du være? What -ou-----u -i-e ----ec--e some -ay? What would you like to become some day? W-a- w-u-d y-u l-k- t- b-c-m- s-m- d-y- --------------------------------------- What would you like to become some day? 0
Jeg vil være ingeniør. I-w-------k---o-b-c--e-a- eng-ne-r. I would like to become an engineer. I w-u-d l-k- t- b-c-m- a- e-g-n-e-. ----------------------------------- I would like to become an engineer. 0
Jeg vil læse på universitetet. I-wa-------o-to-c-----e. I want to go to college. I w-n- t- g- t- c-l-e-e- ------------------------ I want to go to college. 0
Jeg er praktikant. I--m-a- i---r-. I am an intern. I a- a- i-t-r-. --------------- I am an intern. 0
Jeg tjener ikke meget. I----n-- -a-----ch. I do not earn much. I d- n-t e-r- m-c-. ------------------- I do not earn much. 0
Jeg er i praktik i udlandet. I-a- --ing-a- -nt-r-s--p-a--oa-. I am doing an internship abroad. I a- d-i-g a- i-t-r-s-i- a-r-a-. -------------------------------- I am doing an internship abroad. 0
Det er min chef. That -s my ----. That is my boss. T-a- i- m- b-s-. ---------------- That is my boss. 0
Jeg har rare kollegaer. I hav- n-ce ---leag---. I have nice colleagues. I h-v- n-c- c-l-e-g-e-. ----------------------- I have nice colleagues. 0
I frokostpausen går vi altid i kantinen. We a----s--- -o-the---f------ ----o-n. We always go to the cafeteria at noon. W- a-w-y- g- t- t-e c-f-t-r-a a- n-o-. -------------------------------------- We always go to the cafeteria at noon. 0
Jeg søger job. I a- lo-k--g fo----j-b. I am looking for a job. I a- l-o-i-g f-r a j-b- ----------------------- I am looking for a job. 0
Jeg har været arbejdsløs i et år. I h-v- -l--ady bee- --e---o--- f---a -ea-. I have already been unemployed for a year. I h-v- a-r-a-y b-e- u-e-p-o-e- f-r a y-a-. ------------------------------------------ I have already been unemployed for a year. 0
Der er for mange arbejdsløse i det her land. The-- a------ -a---unem-l--e- p-o--- -n--h-s co-nt-y. There are too many unemployed people in this country. T-e-e a-e t-o m-n- u-e-p-o-e- p-o-l- i- t-i- c-u-t-y- ----------------------------------------------------- There are too many unemployed people in this country. 0


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