
da Hos lægen   »   en At the doctor

57 [syvoghalvtreds]

Hos lægen

Hos lægen

57 [fifty-seven]

At the doctor

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Dansk Engelsk (UK) Afspil Yderligere
Jeg har en tid hos lægen. I --ve-- doct--’s appoint-en-. I have a doctor’s appointment. I h-v- a d-c-o-’- a-p-i-t-e-t- ------------------------------ I have a doctor’s appointment. 0
Jeg har tid klokken ti. I h-v- --- appo----en--a---e- o-cl---. I have the appointment at ten o’clock. I h-v- t-e a-p-i-t-e-t a- t-n o-c-o-k- -------------------------------------- I have the appointment at ten o’clock. 0
Hvad er dit navn? W-a- -s-y-u------? What is your name? W-a- i- y-u- n-m-? ------------------ What is your name? 0
Tag plads i venteværelset. Please --ke-- ---- ---t-e -a-ti----o--. Please take a seat in the waiting room. P-e-s- t-k- a s-a- i- t-e w-i-i-g r-o-. --------------------------------------- Please take a seat in the waiting room. 0
Lægen kommer snart. T-----c-o---- -n -i- ---. The doctor is on his way. T-e d-c-o- i- o- h-s w-y- ------------------------- The doctor is on his way. 0
Hvor er du forsikret? Wh-t i-s--anc-----p-n- do-y-u-b----- --? What insurance company do you belong to? W-a- i-s-r-n-e c-m-a-y d- y-u b-l-n- t-? ---------------------------------------- What insurance company do you belong to? 0
Hvad kan jeg gøre for dig? W-a------I-d- --r --u? What can I do for you? W-a- c-n I d- f-r y-u- ---------------------- What can I do for you? 0
Har du smerter? Do yo-----e an- ----? Do you have any pain? D- y-u h-v- a-y p-i-? --------------------- Do you have any pain? 0
Hvor gør det ondt? Wh-re ---- ---h---? Where does it hurt? W-e-e d-e- i- h-r-? ------------------- Where does it hurt? 0
Jeg har altid smerter i ryggen. I a----- ------ack ---n. I always have back pain. I a-w-y- h-v- b-c- p-i-. ------------------------ I always have back pain. 0
Jeg har tit hovedpine. I -fte- -a-e-h-a---h-s. I often have headaches. I o-t-n h-v- h-a-a-h-s- ----------------------- I often have headaches. 0
Jeg har nogle gange mavepine. I so-----es ---- --omach-a-he-. I sometimes have stomach aches. I s-m-t-m-s h-v- s-o-a-h a-h-s- ------------------------------- I sometimes have stomach aches. 0
Tag tøjet af overkroppen. R--ov--y-ur-top! Remove your top! R-m-v- y-u- t-p- ---------------- Remove your top! 0
Vær sød at lægge dig på briksen! L---d-w--o--t-e --am----g--a---. Lie down on the examining table. L-e d-w- o- t-e e-a-i-i-g t-b-e- -------------------------------- Lie down on the examining table. 0
Blodtrykket er i orden. Yo-r-b---- ---ss-re-------y. Your blood pressure is okay. Y-u- b-o-d p-e-s-r- i- o-a-. ---------------------------- Your blood pressure is okay. 0
Jeg giver dig en indsprøjtning. I w--- gi---y---an-in-e-t-o-. I will give you an injection. I w-l- g-v- y-u a- i-j-c-i-n- ----------------------------- I will give you an injection. 0
Jeg giver dig nogle tabletter. I will -i-e--ou -o-e ---ls. I will give you some pills. I w-l- g-v- y-u s-m- p-l-s- --------------------------- I will give you some pills. 0
Jeg giver dig en recept til apoteket. I am -iv--- --u --p-----ip-ion --- the---arm--y. I am giving you a prescription for the pharmacy. I a- g-v-n- y-u a p-e-c-i-t-o- f-r t-e p-a-m-c-. ------------------------------------------------ I am giving you a prescription for the pharmacy. 0


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