
da Possessivpronominer 1   »   en Possessive pronouns 1

66 [seksogtres]

Possessivpronominer 1

Possessivpronominer 1

66 [sixty-six]

Possessive pronouns 1

Vælg, hvordan du vil se oversættelsen:   
Dansk Engelsk (UK) Afspil Yderligere
jeg – min / mit I --my I – my I – m- ------ I – my 0
Jeg kan ikke finde min nøgle. I-c-n---fi---my ---. I can’t find my key. I c-n-t f-n- m- k-y- -------------------- I can’t find my key. 0
Jeg kan ikke finde min billet. I-can’--fin- ----ic---. I can’t find my ticket. I c-n-t f-n- m- t-c-e-. ----------------------- I can’t find my ticket. 0
du – din / dit yo- –-yo-r you – your y-u – y-u- ---------- you – your 0
Har du fundet din nøgle? Have --- -o--- yo---key? Have you found your key? H-v- y-u f-u-d y-u- k-y- ------------------------ Have you found your key? 0
Har du fundet din billet? Ha-e you fou-d-yo-r-t-cket? Have you found your ticket? H-v- y-u f-u-d y-u- t-c-e-? --------------------------- Have you found your ticket? 0
han – hans h----his he – his h- – h-s -------- he – his 0
Ved du, hvor hans nøgle er? Do --u -----wh-re--i--key --? Do you know where his key is? D- y-u k-o- w-e-e h-s k-y i-? ----------------------------- Do you know where his key is? 0
Ved du, hvor hans billet er? D--y-----ow-where -----icket--s? Do you know where his ticket is? D- y-u k-o- w-e-e h-s t-c-e- i-? -------------------------------- Do you know where his ticket is? 0
hun – hendes s-- –-h-r she – her s-e – h-r --------- she – her 0
Hendes penge er væk. Her -on-y is-g--e. Her money is gone. H-r m-n-y i- g-n-. ------------------ Her money is gone. 0
Og hendes kreditkort er også væk. And-h-r-c---i- card i- al-o-g---. And her credit card is also gone. A-d h-r c-e-i- c-r- i- a-s- g-n-. --------------------------------- And her credit card is also gone. 0
vi – vores w- – our we – our w- – o-r -------- we – our 0
Vores morfar / farfar er syg. Our-gr-n-f-th---i--i-l. Our grandfather is ill. O-r g-a-d-a-h-r i- i-l- ----------------------- Our grandfather is ill. 0
Vores mormor / farmor er rask. O-r-----d--t--r-is -ea----. Our grandmother is healthy. O-r g-a-d-o-h-r i- h-a-t-y- --------------------------- Our grandmother is healthy. 0
I – jeres y-u –--o-r you – your y-u – y-u- ---------- you – your 0
Børn, hvor er jeres far? Ch----e-- w-ere-----o---fa---r? Children, where is your father? C-i-d-e-, w-e-e i- y-u- f-t-e-? ------------------------------- Children, where is your father? 0
Børn, hvor er jeres mor? Ch-ld-en--w-er--i--y--r ---he-? Children, where is your mother? C-i-d-e-, w-e-e i- y-u- m-t-e-? ------------------------------- Children, where is your mother? 0


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