
da Spørgsmål – datid 1   »   em Questions – Past tense 1

85 [femogfirs]

Spørgsmål – datid 1

Spørgsmål – datid 1

85 [eighty-five]

Questions – Past tense 1

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Dansk Engelsk (US) Afspil Yderligere
Hvor meget har du drukket? H-- m-ch--id you--r---? How much did you drink? H-w m-c- d-d y-u d-i-k- ----------------------- How much did you drink? 0
Hvor meget har du arbejdet? H-w-much-di- --u -ork? How much did you work? H-w m-c- d-d y-u w-r-? ---------------------- How much did you work? 0
Hvor meget har du skrevet? H-w mu---di- you -rit-? How much did you write? H-w m-c- d-d y-u w-i-e- ----------------------- How much did you write? 0
Hvordan har du sovet? H---did--o- -l-e-? How did you sleep? H-w d-d y-u s-e-p- ------------------ How did you sleep? 0
Hvordan har du bestået prøven? How -i- y-u--as- -h--exam? How did you pass the exam? H-w d-d y-u p-s- t-e e-a-? -------------------------- How did you pass the exam? 0
Hvordan har du fundet vej? Ho- -id-------nd-the --y? How did you find the way? H-w d-d y-u f-n- t-e w-y- ------------------------- How did you find the way? 0
Hvem har du snakket med? Who--i---o--s-e-- --? Who did you speak to? W-o d-d y-u s-e-k t-? --------------------- Who did you speak to? 0
Hvem har du en aftale med? With------d-d-yo----ke -n ----in-men-? With whom did you make an appointment? W-t- w-o- d-d y-u m-k- a- a-p-i-t-e-t- -------------------------------------- With whom did you make an appointment? 0
Hvem har du fejret fødselsdag med? W-th -hom-d----o---el--rat- your---------? With whom did you celebrate your birthday? W-t- w-o- d-d y-u c-l-b-a-e y-u- b-r-h-a-? ------------------------------------------ With whom did you celebrate your birthday? 0
Hvor har du været? W-er--------o-? Where were you? W-e-e w-r- y-u- --------------- Where were you? 0
Hvor har du boet? Wh--e -i--y-u -i--? Where did you live? W-e-e d-d y-u l-v-? ------------------- Where did you live? 0
Hvor har du arbejdet? W---e---d------or-? Where did you work? W-e-e d-d y-u w-r-? ------------------- Where did you work? 0
Hvad har du anbefalet? W-a---id you s---e-t? What did you suggest? W-a- d-d y-u s-g-e-t- --------------------- What did you suggest? 0
Hvad har du spist? W-----id-you---t? What did you eat? W-a- d-d y-u e-t- ----------------- What did you eat? 0
Hvad har du fundet ud af? Wha--d-d--ou--o-e to know? What did you come to know? W-a- d-d y-u c-m- t- k-o-? -------------------------- What did you come to know? 0
Hvor hurtigt har du kørt? Ho--fa-t---d -ou dri--? How fast did you drive? H-w f-s- d-d y-u d-i-e- ----------------------- How fast did you drive? 0
Hvor længe har du fløjet? H-w---ng -id-you---y? How long did you fly? H-w l-n- d-d y-u f-y- --------------------- How long did you fly? 0
Hvor højt har du sprunget? Ho- h-gh-did --- j--p? How high did you jump? H-w h-g- d-d y-u j-m-? ---------------------- How high did you jump? 0


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