
da Bisætninger med ”at” 1   »   em Subordinate clauses: that 1

91 [enoghalvfems]

Bisætninger med ”at” 1

Bisætninger med ”at” 1

91 [ninety-one]

Subordinate clauses: that 1

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Dansk Engelsk (US) Afspil Yderligere
Vejret bliver måske bedre i morgen. Pe---p----------h---w----g-- be---r ---orr-w. Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. P-r-a-s t-e w-a-h-r w-l- g-t b-t-e- t-m-r-o-. --------------------------------------------- Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. 0
Hvor ved du det fra? Ho---o-y-u----w-t---? How do you know that? H-w d- y-u k-o- t-a-? --------------------- How do you know that? 0
Jeg håber, at det bliver bedre. I h--- that -t ge-----tter. I hope that it gets better. I h-p- t-a- i- g-t- b-t-e-. --------------------------- I hope that it gets better. 0
Han kommer helt bestemt. H- w--- de--ni---y--ome. He will definitely come. H- w-l- d-f-n-t-l- c-m-. ------------------------ He will definitely come. 0
Er det sikkert? A-e--o- s--e? Are you sure? A-e y-u s-r-? ------------- Are you sure? 0
Jeg ved, at han kommer. I --o--th-t h-’-l -om-. I know that he’ll come. I k-o- t-a- h-’-l c-m-. ----------------------- I know that he’ll come. 0
Han ringer bestemt. He’-l d-f-n--e-y-ca-l. He’ll definitely call. H-’-l d-f-n-t-l- c-l-. ---------------------- He’ll definitely call. 0
Virkelig? Re--ly? Really? R-a-l-? ------- Really? 0
Jeg tror, at han ringer. I believe--h---he’-- -a--. I believe that he’ll call. I b-l-e-e t-a- h-’-l c-l-. -------------------------- I believe that he’ll call. 0
Vinen er sikkert gammel. The w--- -----fini---y-o-d. The wine is definitely old. T-e w-n- i- d-f-n-t-l- o-d- --------------------------- The wine is definitely old. 0
Ved du det nøjagtig? D- --- -n-w -hat for s-r-? Do you know that for sure? D- y-u k-o- t-a- f-r s-r-? -------------------------- Do you know that for sure? 0
Jeg formoder, at den er gammel. I-----k th-t-h---s old. I think that he is old. I t-i-k t-a- h- i- o-d- ----------------------- I think that he is old. 0
Vores chef ser godt ud. Our-bo----- ------ook-ng. Our boss is good-looking. O-r b-s- i- g-o---o-k-n-. ------------------------- Our boss is good-looking. 0
Synes du? Do y-- t-i-k-so? Do you think so? D- y-u t-i-k s-? ---------------- Do you think so? 0
Jeg synes endda, at han ser rigtig godt ud. I fi-- h-m-v-ry h-n----e. I find him very handsome. I f-n- h-m v-r- h-n-s-m-. ------------------------- I find him very handsome. 0
Chefen har bestemt en kæreste. The b-ss-def-----l--ha-----i---r---d. The boss definitely has a girlfriend. T-e b-s- d-f-n-t-l- h-s a g-r-f-i-n-. ------------------------------------- The boss definitely has a girlfriend. 0
Tror du virkelig? Do---u--e-l-- --i-k-so? Do you really think so? D- y-u r-a-l- t-i-k s-? ----------------------- Do you really think so? 0
Det er meget muligt, at han har en kæreste. It -- -er---o---ble--hat--- has a--i--fr-end. It is very possible that he has a girlfriend. I- i- v-r- p-s-i-l- t-a- h- h-s a g-r-f-i-n-. --------------------------------------------- It is very possible that he has a girlfriend. 0


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