
em People   »   am ሰዎች

1 [one]



1 [አንድ]

1 [ānidi]


sewochi /hizibi

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English (US) Amharic Play More
I እ- እ_ እ- -- እኔ 0
i-ē i__ i-ē --- inē
I and you እኔ እ---ንተ/ቺ እ_ እ_ አ____ እ- እ- አ-ተ-ቺ ----------- እኔ እና አንተ/ቺ 0
in- --a----te/-hī i__ i__ ā________ i-ē i-a ā-i-e-c-ī ----------------- inē ina ānite/chī
both of us እ------ንም እ_ ሁ_____ እ- ሁ-ታ-ን- --------- እኛ ሁለታችንም 0
i--- hul-t-ch-ni-i i___ h____________ i-y- h-l-t-c-i-i-i ------------------ inya huletachinimi
he እ- እ_ እ- -- እሱ 0
i-u i__ i-u --- isu
he and she እ- -- -ሷ እ_ እ_ እ_ እ- እ- እ- -------- እሱ እና እሷ 0
i-- i------a i__ i__ i___ i-u i-a i-w- ------------ isu ina iswa
they both እ-ሱ--ለ-ም እ__ ሁ___ እ-ሱ ሁ-ቱ- -------- እነሱ ሁለቱም 0
i---u -ul-t--i i____ h_______ i-e-u h-l-t-m- -------------- inesu huletumi
the man ወ-ድ ወ__ ወ-ድ --- ወንድ 0
w---di w_____ w-n-d- ------ wenidi
the woman -ት ሴ_ ሴ- -- ሴት 0
sēti s___ s-t- ---- sēti
the child ል- ል_ ል- -- ልጅ 0
l-ji l___ l-j- ---- liji
a family ቤ--ብ ቤ___ ቤ-ሰ- ---- ቤተሰብ 0
bētesebi b_______ b-t-s-b- -------- bētesebi
my family የ--ቤ-ሰብ የ_ ቤ___ የ- ቤ-ሰ- ------- የኔ ቤተሰብ 0
y--ē b----ebi y___ b_______ y-n- b-t-s-b- ------------- yenē bētesebi
My family is here. ቤ-ሰቤ--ዚ-----። ቤ___ እ__ ና___ ቤ-ሰ- እ-ህ ና-ው- ------------- ቤተሰቤ እዚህ ናቸው። 0
bē----b- -z-hi -achew-. b_______ i____ n_______ b-t-s-b- i-ī-i n-c-e-i- ----------------------- bētesebē izīhi nachewi.
I am here. እኔ--ዚህ ነ-። እ_ እ__ ነ__ እ- እ-ህ ነ-። ---------- እኔ እዚህ ነኝ። 0
i-- iz-----en-i. i__ i____ n_____ i-ē i-ī-i n-n-i- ---------------- inē izīhi nenyi.
You are here. አንተ/----እዚ--ነህ-ነሽ። አ______ እ__ ነ_____ አ-ተ-አ-ቺ እ-ህ ነ-/-ሽ- ------------------ አንተ/አንቺ እዚህ ነህ/ነሽ። 0
āni-e--nic-ī---ī-i -e-i/n--h-. ā___________ i____ n__________ ā-i-e-ā-i-h- i-ī-i n-h-/-e-h-. ------------------------------ ānite/ānichī izīhi nehi/neshi.
He is here and she is here. እሱ እ-ህ-----ና እ- -ዚህ-ናት። እ_ እ__ ነ_ እ_ እ_ እ__ ና__ እ- እ-ህ ነ- እ- እ- እ-ህ ና-። ----------------------- እሱ እዚህ ነው እና እሷ እዚህ ናት። 0
isu-izī---new----- -s----z--- -a--. i__ i____ n___ i__ i___ i____ n____ i-u i-ī-i n-w- i-a i-w- i-ī-i n-t-. ----------------------------------- isu izīhi newi ina iswa izīhi nati.
We are here. እ--እዚ--ነ-። እ_ እ__ ነ__ እ- እ-ህ ነ-። ---------- እኛ እዚህ ነን። 0
iny---zī-- -eni. i___ i____ n____ i-y- i-ī-i n-n-. ---------------- inya izīhi neni.
You are here. እናንተ-እዚ--ና-ሁ። እ___ እ__ ና___ እ-ን- እ-ህ ና-ሁ- ------------- እናንተ እዚህ ናችሁ። 0
i-----e i--h--n----hu. i______ i____ n_______ i-a-i-e i-ī-i n-c-i-u- ---------------------- inanite izīhi nachihu.
They are all here. እነሱ -ሉ---ዚ----ው። እ__ ሁ__ እ__ ና___ እ-ሱ ሁ-ም እ-ህ ና-ው- ---------------- እነሱ ሁሉም እዚህ ናቸው። 0
i-e----ul-m- ---h- na-h--i. i____ h_____ i____ n_______ i-e-u h-l-m- i-ī-i n-c-e-i- --------------------------- inesu hulumi izīhi nachewi.

Using languages to fight Alzheimer's

Those who want to stay mentally fit should learn languages. Language skills can protect against dementia. Numerous scientific studies have proven this. The age of the learner doesn't play a role at all. What's important is that the brain is regularly exercised. Learning vocabulary activates different areas of the brain. These areas control important cognitive processes. Therefore, people who are multilingual are more attentive. They can also concentrate better. However, multilingualism has additional advantages. Multilingual people can make better decisions. That is, they come to a decision faster. This is because their brain has learned to choose. It always knows at least two terms for one thing. Each of these terms is a feasible option. Therefore, multilingual people are constantly making decisions. Their brains have practice in choosing between many things. And this training doesn't just benefit the speech center of the brain. Many areas of the brain profit from multilingualism. Language skills also mean better cognitive control. Of course, language skills will not prevent dementia. However, in multilingual people the disease progresses slower. And their brains seem better able to counterbalance the effects. In language learners symptoms of dementia appear in a weaker form. Confusion and forgetfulness are less serious. Therefore, old and young profit equally from language acquisition. And: With each language it gets easier to learn a new one. So, we should all be reaching for the dictionary instead of medicine!
Did you know?
Albanian is counted among the Indo-Germanic languages. However, it is not closely related to any other language in the group. No one knows exactly how Albanian came into being. Today it is mainly spoken in Albania and in Kosovo. It is the native language of around 6 million people. Albanian is divided into two large dialect groups. The Shkumbin River is the dividing line between the northern and southern dialects. In some areas there is a noticeable difference between the two. The written form of Albanian wasn't developed until the 20th century. The language is written with Latin letters. The grammar is somewhat similar to Greek and Romanian. It is also possible to find parallels to South Slavic languages. All of these similarities must have arisen from contact with those languages. If you are interested in languages, you should definitely learn Albanian! It is a unique language!