
em Days of the week   »   kk Апта күндері

9 [nine]

Days of the week

Days of the week

9 [тоғыз]

9 [toğız]

Апта күндері

Apta künderi

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Monday Дү-с-н-і Д_______ Д-й-е-б- -------- Дүйсенбі 0
Dü-s-nbi D_______ D-y-e-b- -------- Düysenbi
Tuesday Сей-е--і С_______ С-й-е-б- -------- Сейсенбі 0
S------i S_______ S-y-e-b- -------- Seysenbi
Wednesday Сәр-е-бі С_______ С-р-е-б- -------- Сәрсенбі 0
Sä-se-bi S_______ S-r-e-b- -------- Särsenbi
Thursday Б-йсе-бі Б_______ Б-й-е-б- -------- Бейсенбі 0
Be--e--i B_______ B-y-e-b- -------- Beysenbi
Friday Жұма Ж___ Ж-м- ---- Жұма 0
Ju-a J___ J-m- ---- Juma
Saturday С-нбі С____ С-н-і ----- Сенбі 0
Se--i S____ S-n-i ----- Senbi
Sunday Ж-кс---і Ж_______ Ж-к-е-б- -------- Жексенбі 0
J--s--bi J_______ J-k-e-b- -------- Jeksenbi
the week Ап-а А___ А-т- ---- Апта 0
A--a A___ A-t- ---- Apta
from Monday to Sunday Д----н--де-------н--г- -е--н Д__________ ж_________ д____ Д-й-е-б-д-н ж-к-е-б-г- д-й-н ---------------------------- Дүйсенбіден жексенбіге дейін 0
D-yse----e--je-s--b--- --yin D__________ j_________ d____ D-y-e-b-d-n j-k-e-b-g- d-y-n ---------------------------- Düysenbiden jeksenbige deyin
The first day is Monday. Б--ін-- ------дүй--нбі. Б______ к__ – д________ Б-р-н-і к-н – д-й-е-б-. ----------------------- Бірінші күн – дүйсенбі. 0
B-r-nşi---n----üysenbi. B______ k__ – d________ B-r-n-i k-n – d-y-e-b-. ----------------------- Birinşi kün – düysenbi.
The second day is Tuesday. Ек-нші-к-н---сейсе-б-. Е_____ к__ – с________ Е-і-ш- к-н – с-й-е-б-. ---------------------- Екінші күн – сейсенбі. 0
E-i-şi-k---- -eys----. E_____ k__ – s________ E-i-ş- k-n – s-y-e-b-. ---------------------- Ekinşi kün – seysenbi.
The third day is Wednesday. Үші-ш---үн –--ә-с-н-і. Ү_____ к__ – с________ Ү-і-ш- к-н – с-р-е-б-. ---------------------- Үшінші күн – сәрсенбі. 0
Ü-inş- k-n –-----en-i. Ü_____ k__ – s________ Ü-i-ş- k-n – s-r-e-b-. ---------------------- Üşinşi kün – särsenbi.
The fourth day is Thursday. Т-р--н-і к-- - -----нб-. Т_______ к__ – б________ Т-р-і-ш- к-н – б-й-е-б-. ------------------------ Төртінші күн – бейсенбі. 0
Tö------ -ün-- ----enb-. T_______ k__ – b________ T-r-i-ş- k-n – b-y-e-b-. ------------------------ Törtinşi kün – beysenbi.
The fifth day is Friday. Б-сі-ші------ ж---. Б______ к__ – ж____ Б-с-н-і к-н – ж-м-. ------------------- Бесінші күн – жұма. 0
Be-inş- k-n –---ma. B______ k__ – j____ B-s-n-i k-n – j-m-. ------------------- Besinşi kün – juma.
The sixth day is Saturday. А--ы----күн - -ен-і. А______ к__ – с_____ А-т-н-ы к-н – с-н-і- -------------------- Алтыншы күн – сенбі. 0
A-tı----k-- –-se--i. A______ k__ – s_____ A-t-n-ı k-n – s-n-i- -------------------- Altınşı kün – senbi.
The seventh day is Sunday. Ж-т--ш- күн ---е-с-н--. Ж______ к__ – ж________ Ж-т-н-і к-н – ж-к-е-б-. ----------------------- Жетінші күн – жексенбі. 0
J-tin-- -ün – -----n-i. J______ k__ – j________ J-t-n-i k-n – j-k-e-b-. ----------------------- Jetinşi kün – jeksenbi.
The week has seven days. Ап--д----т- -үн---р. А_____ ж___ к__ б___ А-т-д- ж-т- к-н б-р- -------------------- Аптада жеті күн бар. 0
Apt-da-je-i --n bar. A_____ j___ k__ b___ A-t-d- j-t- k-n b-r- -------------------- Aptada jeti kün bar.
We only work for five days. Біз --к --- к----ұм-с--ст-йм--. Б__ т__ б__ к__ ж____ і________ Б-з т-к б-с к-н ж-м-с і-т-й-і-. ------------------------------- Біз тек бес күн жұмыс істейміз. 0
Bi---e- -e------j---s i--e-m-z. B__ t__ b__ k__ j____ i________ B-z t-k b-s k-n j-m-s i-t-y-i-. ------------------------------- Biz tek bes kün jumıs isteymiz.

Constructed Esperanto

English is the most important universal language of today. Everyone is supposed to be able to communicate using it. But other languages also want to reach this goal. Constructed languages, for example. Constructed languages are purposely created and developed. That is, there is a plan according to which they are designed. With constructed languages, elements from different languages are mixed together. In this way, they should be easy to learn for as many people as possible. The goal of each constructed language is international communication. The most well-known constructed language is Esperanto. It was first introduced in 1887 in Warsaw. Its founder was the doctor Ludwik L. Zamenhof. He believed the main cause of (social) unrest lay in communication problems. Therefore, he wanted to create a language to bring people together. With it, people should talk with each other on an equal level. The pseudonym of the doctor was Dr. Esperanto, the Hopeful. That shows how much he believed in his dream. But the idea of universal understanding is much older. To date, many different constructed languages have been developed. They are associated with goals like tolerance and human rights. Speakers in more than 120 countries are proficient in Esperanto today. But there is also criticism against Esperanto. For example, 70% of the vocabulary has its source in Romance languages. And Esperanto is also distinctly shaped on Indo-European languages. It's speakers exchange thoughts and ideas at conventions and in clubs. Meetings and lectures are organized regularly. So, are you up for some Esperanto? Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton? – Jes, mi parolas Esperanton tre bone!
Did you know?
American English is counted among the West Germanic languages. It is a North American English dialect, like Canadian English. It is the native language of approximately 300 million people. That being the case, it is the most-spoken form of English. It is, however, very similar to British English. As a rule, speakers of both forms can communicate with each other easily. The conversation only becomes difficult if both sides speak very strong dialects. There are also a few distinct differences between the two forms. These apply primarily to pronunciation, vocabulary, and orthography. In many cases the grammar and punctuation deviate from one another. The importance of American English is increasing compared to British English. This is mainly due to the large influence of the North American film and music industry. They have been exporting their language throughout the world for centuries. Even India and Pakistan, once British colonies, are adopting "Americanisms" today. Learn American English, it is the most influential language in the world!