
em Months   »   be Месяцы

11 [eleven]



11 [адзінаццаць]

11 [adzіnatstsats’]



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English (US) Belarusian Play More
January с------ь с_______ с-у-з-н- -------- студзень 0
stu----’ s_______ s-u-z-n- -------- studzen’
February л-ты л___ л-т- ---- люты 0
l---y l____ l-u-y ----- lyuty
March с-ка-ік с______ с-к-в-к ------- сакавік 0
sa-avіk s______ s-k-v-k ------- sakavіk
April к--са-ік к_______ к-а-а-і- -------- красавік 0
krasav-k k_______ k-a-a-і- -------- krasavіk
May май м__ м-й --- май 0
may m__ m-y --- may
June ч-р--нь ч______ ч-р-е-ь ------- чэрвень 0
ch--v-n’ c_______ c-e-v-n- -------- cherven’
These are six months. Г----–---сць м--яц-ў. Г___ – ш____ м_______ Г-т- – ш-с-ь м-с-ц-ў- --------------------- Гэта – шэсць месяцаў. 0
G-ta –-s-est-’ ---yat-a-. G___ – s______ m_________ G-t- – s-e-t-’ m-s-a-s-u- ------------------------- Geta – shests’ mesyatsau.
January, February, March, с----е-ь- -юты,----а-і-, с________ л____ с_______ с-у-з-н-, л-т-, с-к-в-к- ------------------------ студзень, люты, сакавік, 0
stud-e--- -y--y--s-ka---, s________ l_____ s_______ s-u-z-n-, l-u-y- s-k-v-k- ------------------------- studzen’, lyuty, sakavіk,
April, May and June. краса-і-,-май і--эрве-ь. к________ м__ і ч_______ к-а-а-і-, м-й і ч-р-е-ь- ------------------------ красавік, май і чэрвень. 0
k-a--v-k--m-y - cher-en’. k________ m__ і c________ k-a-a-і-, m-y і c-e-v-n-. ------------------------- krasavіk, may і cherven’.
July ліпень л_____ л-п-н- ------ ліпень 0
lі--n’ l_____ l-p-n- ------ lіpen’
August жнів--ь ж______ ж-і-е-ь ------- жнівень 0
z---ven’ z_______ z-n-v-n- -------- zhnіven’
September в----ень в_______ в-р-с-н- -------- верасень 0
ver-s-n’ v_______ v-r-s-n- -------- verasen’
October к-ст---нік к_________ к-с-р-ч-і- ---------- кастрычнік 0
k---rychn-k k__________ k-s-r-c-n-k ----------- kastrychnіk
November л--тап-д л_______ л-с-а-а- -------- лістапад 0
l---a-ad l_______ l-s-a-a- -------- lіstapad
December с---ань с______ с-е-а-ь ------- снежань 0
snez--n’ s_______ s-e-h-n- -------- snezhan’
These are also six months. Гэ-а-– т--с-м- --с-ь м----а-. Г___ – т______ ш____ м_______ Г-т- – т-к-а-а ш-с-ь м-с-ц-ў- ----------------------------- Гэта – таксама шэсць месяцаў. 0
G--a---t---am- -hes-s’--es--t-au. G___ – t______ s______ m_________ G-t- – t-k-a-a s-e-t-’ m-s-a-s-u- --------------------------------- Geta – taksama shests’ mesyatsau.
July, August, September, ліпе------і-ен-----р---н-, л______ ж_______ в________ л-п-н-, ж-і-е-ь- в-р-с-н-, -------------------------- ліпень, жнівень, верасень, 0
l-p--’- -hnі--n-- --r-s--’, l______ z________ v________ l-p-n-, z-n-v-n-, v-r-s-n-, --------------------------- lіpen’, zhnіven’, verasen’,
October, November and December. к--тры-ні-,-лі----ад-- сне---ь. к__________ л_______ і с_______ к-с-р-ч-і-, л-с-а-а- і с-е-а-ь- ------------------------------- кастрычнік, лістапад і снежань. 0
kastr--h-іk- lі----ad --sne-h-n’. k___________ l_______ і s________ k-s-r-c-n-k- l-s-a-a- і s-e-h-n-. --------------------------------- kastrychnіk, lіstapad і snezhan’.

Latin, a living language?

Today, English is the most important universal language. It's taught worldwide and is the official language of many nations. Earlier, Latin had this role. Latin was originally spoken by the Latins. They were the inhabitants of Latium, with Rome being the center. The language spread with the expansion of the Roman Empire. In the ancient world, Latin was the native language of many people. They lived in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. However, spoken Latin was different from classical Latin. It was vernacular, called Vulgar Latin. In Romanized regions there were different dialects. In the Middle Ages, national languages evolved from the dialects. Languages that descend from Latin are Romance languages. Included among those are Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. French and Romanian are also based on Latin. But Latin never really died out. It was an important commercial language up to the 19th century. And it remained the language of the educated. Latin still has a great deal of meaning today for the sciences. Many technical terms have their roots in Latin. Furthermore, Latin is still taught in schools as a foreign language. And universities often expect a knowledge of Latin. So Latin is not dead, even though it is no longer spoken. Latin has been experiencing a comeback in recent years. The number of people who want to learn Latin has started to increase again. It is still considered the key to the language and culture of many countries. So have the courage to try Latin! Audaces fortuna adiuvat , good fortune helps the brave!
Did you know?
Esperanto is counted among the constructed languages. Constructed languages are deliberately created, so they follow a clear plan. Elements from different languages are mixed in the process. In this way, constructed languages should be easy to learn for as many people as possible. Esperanto was first introduced in Warsaw in 1887. Its founder was the doctor Ludwik L. Zamenhof (pseudonym: Dr. Esperanto, the Hopeful). He believed that communication problems were the main cause of unhappiness. Therefore, he wanted to create a neutral language that brought people together. Today Esperanto is the most well-known constructed language in the world. It is also associated with goals like tolerance and civil rights. Esperanto is largely Indo-European oriented. The majority of the vocabulary, for example, is originally Romance. People in more than 120 countries are proficient in the language. They get together regularly in clubs and at international conventions. Learn Esperanto and find new friends!