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13 [thirteen]



13 [trinaest]


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What does Martha do? Šta ra----ar-a? Š__ r___ M_____ Š-a r-d- M-r-a- --------------- Šta radi Marta? 0
She works at an office. Ona r--- u -i-o-. O__ r___ u b_____ O-a r-d- u b-r-u- ----------------- Ona radi u birou. 0
She works on the computer. Ona---di-na --mpjut---. O__ r___ n_ k__________ O-a r-d- n- k-m-j-t-r-. ----------------------- Ona radi na kompjuteru. 0
Where is Martha? G-j---- ---t-? G___ j_ M_____ G-j- j- M-r-a- -------------- Gdje je Marta? 0
At the cinema. U -in-. U k____ U k-n-. ------- U kinu. 0
She is watching a film. O---g-ed--fi--. O__ g____ f____ O-a g-e-a f-l-. --------------- Ona gleda film. 0
What does Peter do? Š-- -a----e---? Š__ r___ P_____ Š-a r-d- P-t-r- --------------- Šta radi Petar? 0
He studies at the university. On -t--ir- -a-----e-zitet-. O_ s______ n_ u____________ O- s-u-i-a n- u-i-e-z-t-t-. --------------------------- On studira na univerzitetu. 0
He studies languages. On-s---ir--j-zik-. O_ s______ j______ O- s-u-i-a j-z-k-. ------------------ On studira jezike. 0
Where is Peter? G----je-Pe-a-? G___ j_ P_____ G-j- j- P-t-r- -------------- Gdje je Petar? 0
At the café. U--afić-. U k______ U k-f-ć-. --------- U kafiću. 0
He is drinking coffee. O--pij- k-f-. O_ p___ k____ O- p-j- k-f-. ------------- On pije kafu. 0
Where do they like to go? K--a-idu -ado? K___ i__ r____ K-d- i-u r-d-? -------------- Kuda idu rado? 0
To a concert. Na---n----. N_ k_______ N- k-n-e-t- ----------- Na koncert. 0
They like to listen to music. O-i ra-----uša---m-zi-u. O__ r___ s______ m______ O-i r-d- s-u-a-u m-z-k-. ------------------------ Oni rado slušaju muziku. 0
Where do they not like to go? K--a-on- ne -du rado? K___ o__ n_ i__ r____ K-d- o-i n- i-u r-d-? --------------------- Kuda oni ne idu rado? 0
To the disco. U-d-sk-. U d_____ U d-s-o- -------- U disko. 0
They do not like to dance. O-i ne -l--u rado. O__ n_ p____ r____ O-i n- p-e-u r-d-. ------------------ Oni ne plešu rado. 0

Creole Languages

Did you know that German is spoken in the South Pacific? It's really true! In parts of Papua New Guinea and Australia, people speak Unserdeutsch . It is a Creole language. Creole languages emerge in language contact situations. That is, when multiple different languages encounter one another. By now, many Creole languages are almost extinct. But worldwide 15 million people still speak a Creole language. Creole languages are always native languages. It's different with Pidgin languages. Pidgin languages are very simplified forms of speech. They are only good for very basic communication. Most Creole languages originated in the colonial era. Therefore, Creole languages are often based on European languages. One characteristic of Creole languages is a limited vocabulary. Creole languages have their own phonology too. The grammar of Creole languages is heavily simplified. Complicated rules are simply ignored by the speakers. Each Creole language is an important component of national identity. As a result, there is a lot of literature written in Creole languages. Creole languages are especially interesting for linguists. This is because they demonstrate how languages develop and later die out. So the development of language can be studied in Creole languages. They also prove that languages can change and adapt. The discipline used to research Creole languages is Creolistics, or Creology. One of the best-known sentences in the Creole language comes from Jamaica. Bob Marley made it world famous – do you know it? It's No woman, no cry! (= No, woman, don't cry!)
Did you know?
Finnish is the native language of approximately 5 million people. It is counted among the Finno-Ugrian languages. It is closely related to Estonian, and very distantly related to Hungarian. As a Uralic language, it strongly differentiates itself from the Indo-Germanic languages. An example of this is its agglutinating language structure. That means that grammatical functions are expressed through suffixed syllables. This is how long words originate that are so typical for Finnish. Another hallmark of Finnish is its many vowels. Finnish grammar distinguishes between 15 different cases. It is important to clearly separate long and short sounds in the intonation. Written and spoken Finnish are noticeably different from each other. This phenomenon is less pronounced in other European languages. All of this makes Finnish not especially easy. But all rules are consistently upheld. And the nice thing about Finnish is that it is so completely logical!