
em In the kitchen   »   uk На кухні

19 [nineteen]

In the kitchen

In the kitchen

19 [дев’ятнадцять]

19 [devʺyatnadtsyatʹ]

На кухні

Na kukhni

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English (US) Ukrainian Play More
Do you have a new kitchen? Т---а-- --ву кух--? Т_ м___ н___ к_____ Т- м-є- н-в- к-х-ю- ------------------- Ти маєш нову кухню? 0
T- -a-e-- -ovu ku-hnyu? T_ m_____ n___ k_______ T- m-y-s- n-v- k-k-n-u- ----------------------- Ty mayesh novu kukhnyu?
What do you want to cook today? Щ- -- -оч----а-ит--сьог---і? Щ_ т_ х____ в_____ с________ Щ- т- х-ч-ш в-р-т- с-о-о-н-? ---------------------------- Що ти хочеш варити сьогодні? 0
Sh-h--t--k-o-h-s- -ar--- sʹoh-d-i? S____ t_ k_______ v_____ s________ S-c-o t- k-o-h-s- v-r-t- s-o-o-n-? ---------------------------------- Shcho ty khochesh varyty sʹohodni?
Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove? Ти ---иш-н- -ле-тр--- ч- н- ---і? Т_ в____ н_ е________ ч_ н_ г____ Т- в-р-ш н- е-е-т-и-і ч- н- г-з-? --------------------------------- Ти вариш на електриці чи на газі? 0
Ty -arysh na --ek-r---i--h- na ha--? T_ v_____ n_ e_________ c__ n_ h____ T- v-r-s- n- e-e-t-y-s- c-y n- h-z-? ------------------------------------ Ty varysh na elektrytsi chy na hazi?
Shall I cut the onions? Ч- п---н-н-- п--ин-а я -----и -иб---? Ч_ п______ / п______ я р_____ ц______ Ч- п-в-н-н / п-в-н-а я р-з-т- ц-б-л-? ------------------------------------- Чи повинен / повинна я різати цибулю? 0
C-- po--n-n / pov--n-------z-ty -sy--l-u? C__ p______ / p______ y_ r_____ t________ C-y p-v-n-n / p-v-n-a y- r-z-t- t-y-u-y-? ----------------------------------------- Chy povynen / povynna ya rizaty tsybulyu?
Shall I peel the potatoes? Чи-по--не- /-по-ин---- ---тит---а--о-лю? Ч_ п______ / п______ я ч______ к________ Ч- п-в-н-н / п-в-н-а я ч-с-и-и к-р-о-л-? ---------------------------------------- Чи повинен / повинна я чистити картоплю? 0
C-- -ov-n-- /-p---nn-----chysty-- ----o-l--? C__ p______ / p______ y_ c_______ k_________ C-y p-v-n-n / p-v-n-a y- c-y-t-t- k-r-o-l-u- -------------------------------------------- Chy povynen / povynna ya chystyty kartoplyu?
Shall I rinse the lettuce? Ч--п-в---н /-пови-н- ---и-- --лат? Ч_ п______ / п______ я м___ с_____ Ч- п-в-н-н / п-в-н-а я м-т- с-л-т- ---------------------------------- Чи повинен / повинна я мити салат? 0
Ch- pov-ne--- pov-nna -a --t- salat? C__ p______ / p______ y_ m___ s_____ C-y p-v-n-n / p-v-n-a y- m-t- s-l-t- ------------------------------------ Chy povynen / povynna ya myty salat?
Where are the glasses? Де-ск-я---? Д_ с_______ Д- с-л-н-и- ----------- Де склянки? 0
D----lyan-y? D_ s________ D- s-l-a-k-? ------------ De sklyanky?
Where are the dishes? Де--осу-? Д_ п_____ Д- п-с-д- --------- Де посуд? 0
D--p-su-? D_ p_____ D- p-s-d- --------- De posud?
Where is the cutlery / silverware (am.)? Д------ові---иб-ри? Д_ с______ п_______ Д- с-о-о-і п-и-о-и- ------------------- Де столові прибори? 0
De-s-ol--i-p-ybor-? D_ s______ p_______ D- s-o-o-i p-y-o-y- ------------------- De stolovi prybory?
Do you have a tin opener / can opener (am.)? Ч--має---и -ідк------для-ко---рв? Ч_ м___ т_ в________ д__ к_______ Ч- м-є- т- в-д-р-в-ч д-я к-н-е-в- --------------------------------- Чи маєш ти відкривач для консерв? 0
C---ma--sh -y---d-r-v-ch dl-- ko---rv? C__ m_____ t_ v_________ d___ k_______ C-y m-y-s- t- v-d-r-v-c- d-y- k-n-e-v- -------------------------------------- Chy mayesh ty vidkryvach dlya konserv?
Do you have a bottle opener? Чи -ає--т- --юч ----від---в--н--пл--о-? Ч_ м___ т_ к___ д__ в__________ п______ Ч- м-є- т- к-ю- д-я в-д-р-в-н-я п-я-о-? --------------------------------------- Чи маєш ти ключ для відкривання пляшок? 0
C-y-m-yesh-t--kly----d--a--i-kr-va-n-----y--h-k? C__ m_____ t_ k_____ d___ v___________ p________ C-y m-y-s- t- k-y-c- d-y- v-d-r-v-n-y- p-y-s-o-? ------------------------------------------------ Chy mayesh ty klyuch dlya vidkryvannya plyashok?
Do you have a corkscrew? Чи ма---т--ш--по-? Ч_ м___ т_ ш______ Ч- м-є- т- ш-о-о-? ------------------ Чи маєш ти штопор? 0
C------e-h-ty -h--por? C__ m_____ t_ s_______ C-y m-y-s- t- s-t-p-r- ---------------------- Chy mayesh ty shtopor?
Are you cooking the soup in this pot? Чи -------и-с-- в цій кас--у--? Ч_ в____ т_ с__ в ц__ к________ Ч- в-р-ш т- с-п в ц-й к-с-р-л-? ------------------------------- Чи вариш ти суп в цій каструлі? 0
C-y-vary-h ty---- v tsiy̆ -as-r-l-? C__ v_____ t_ s__ v t___ k________ C-y v-r-s- t- s-p v t-i-̆ k-s-r-l-? ----------------------------------- Chy varysh ty sup v tsiy̆ kastruli?
Are you frying the fish in this pan? Чи с--ж-ш-----иб- на--ій -к--о-о--? Ч_ с_____ т_ р___ н_ ц__ с_________ Ч- с-а-и- т- р-б- н- ц-й с-о-о-о-і- ----------------------------------- Чи смажиш ти рибу на цій сковороді? 0
Chy -----y-h t------ n- ----̆ sk-vo---i? C__ s_______ t_ r___ n_ t___ s_________ C-y s-a-h-s- t- r-b- n- t-i-̆ s-o-o-o-i- ---------------------------------------- Chy smazhysh ty rybu na tsiy̆ skovorodi?
Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Ч- п-дсм--ує--ти-овочі -а--е-іт--? Ч_ п_________ т_ о____ н_ р_______ Ч- п-д-м-ж-є- т- о-о-і н- р-ш-т-і- ---------------------------------- Чи підсмажуєш ти овочі на решітці? 0
Ch- p---ma----es- -- o-o------ --shi-ts-? C__ p____________ t_ o_____ n_ r_________ C-y p-d-m-z-u-e-h t- o-o-h- n- r-s-i-t-i- ----------------------------------------- Chy pidsmazhuyesh ty ovochi na reshittsi?
I am setting the table. Я н-кр---ю -т--. Я н_______ с____ Я н-к-и-а- с-і-. ---------------- Я накриваю стіл. 0
Y- n----v--- stil. Y_ n________ s____ Y- n-k-y-a-u s-i-. ------------------ YA nakryvayu stil.
Here are the knives, the forks and the spoons. О-- н-ж-,---дел-и-і --ж--. О__ н____ в______ і л_____ О-ь н-ж-, в-д-л-и і л-ж-и- -------------------------- Ось ножі, виделки і ложки. 0
Os- no--i- vydel-- --lozhky. O__ n_____ v______ i l______ O-ʹ n-z-i- v-d-l-y i l-z-k-. ---------------------------- Osʹ nozhi, vydelky i lozhky.
Here are the glasses, the plates and the napkins. Ос---кл-н--,-та--л-- і -е------. О__ с_______ т______ і с________ О-ь с-л-н-и- т-р-л-и і с-р-е-к-. -------------------------------- Ось склянки, тарілки і серветки. 0
O-ʹ-sk--ank-, tarilk- i -e--e---. O__ s________ t______ i s________ O-ʹ s-l-a-k-, t-r-l-y i s-r-e-k-. --------------------------------- Osʹ sklyanky, tarilky i servetky.

Learning and styles of learning

If someone isn't making much progress in learning, they may be learning wrong. That is to say, they aren't learning in a way that works with their "style". There are four learning styles that are generally recognized. These learning styles are associated with the sensory organs. There are auditory, visual, communicative, and motoric learning styles. Auditory types learn best what they hear. For example, they can remember melodies well. When studying they read to themselves; they learn vocabulary out loud. This type often talks to himself. CDs or lectures on the topic are helpful for him. The visual type learns best what he sees. For him, it is important to read information. He takes a lot of notes when studying. He also likes to learn using pictures, tables and flash cards. This type reads a lot and dreams often and in color. They learn best in a nice environment. The communicative type prefers conversations and discussions. They need interaction, or dialog with others. They ask a lot of questions in class and learn well in groups. The motoric type learns through movement. They prefer the method "learning by doing" and want to try everything. They like to be physically active or chew gum when studying. They don't like theories, but experiments. It's important to note that almost everyone is a mix of these types. So there is no one that represents a single type. That's why we learn best when we enlist all our sensory organs. Then our brain is activated in many ways and stores new content well. Read, discuss and listen to vocabulary! And then do sports afterwards!
Did you know?
Indonesian is spoken by more than 160 million people. It is the native language of only 30 million, however. This is due to the fact that almost 500 different ethnic groups live in Indonesia. They speak 250 different languages that branch out into many dialects. Such a linguistic variety can naturally lead to problems. Today's Indonesian has thus been implemented as the standardized national language. It is taught in every school in addition to the native language. Indonesian is counted among the Austronesian languages. It is so closely related to Malay that the two languages are considered almost identical. There are many advantages to learning Indonesian. The grammar rules are not very complicated. The orthography is also not difficult. You can base pronunciation on the spelling. Many Indonesian words come from other languages, which makes learning easier. And soon Indonesian will be one of the most important languages of the world!