
em Small Talk 1   »   kk Қысқа әңгіме 1

20 [twenty]

Small Talk 1

Small Talk 1

20 [жиырма]

20 [jïırma]

Қысқа әңгіме 1

Qısqa äñgime 1

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English (US) Kazakh Play More
Make yourself comfortable! Ж--ғ---- от-рыңыз! Ж_______ о________ Ж-й-а-ы- о-ы-ы-ы-! ------------------ Жайғасып отырыңыз! 0
J-y--sıp ------ız! J_______ o________ J-y-a-ı- o-ı-ı-ı-! ------------------ Jayğasıp otırıñız!
Please, feel right at home! Ө---й-ң--дегіде--се---іңіз! Ө_ ү____________ с_________ Ө- ү-і-і-д-г-д-й с-з-н-ң-з- --------------------------- Өз үйіңіздегідей сезініңіз! 0
Öz --iñiz-eg-de- s-z-n--iz! Ö_ ü____________ s_________ Ö- ü-i-i-d-g-d-y s-z-n-ñ-z- --------------------------- Öz üyiñizdegidey seziniñiz!
What would you like to drink? Н- і--сіз? Н_ і______ Н- і-е-і-? ---------- Не ішесіз? 0
Ne -ş-siz? N_ i______ N- i-e-i-? ---------- Ne işesiz?
Do you like music? М-зы--н---н------ -а? М_______ ұ_______ б__ М-з-к-н- ұ-а-а-ы- б-? --------------------- Музыканы ұнатасыз ба? 0
M-z-kanı --a-a--z -a? M_______ u_______ b__ M-z-k-n- u-a-a-ı- b-? --------------------- Mwzıkanı unatasız ba?
I like classical music. Мен к-а-с-калық м-зык-ны -н--а---. М__ к__________ м_______ ұ________ М-н к-а-с-к-л-қ м-з-к-н- ұ-а-а-ы-. ---------------------------------- Мен классикалық музыканы ұнатамын. 0
M-- k--s-ïka--- --zık-n-----tamı-. M__ k__________ m_______ u________ M-n k-a-s-k-l-q m-z-k-n- u-a-a-ı-. ---------------------------------- Men klassïkalıq mwzıkanı unatamın.
These are my CD’s. М-нау -е-і- ---п-к--------е--м. М____ м____ к__________________ М-н-у м-н-ң к-м-а-т-д-с-і-е-і-. ------------------------------- Мынау менің компакт-дискілерім. 0
Mın-w---n---ko--a------k-l----. M____ m____ k__________________ M-n-w m-n-ñ k-m-a-t-d-s-i-e-i-. ------------------------------- Mınaw meniñ kompakt-dïskilerim.
Do you play a musical instrument? Қ-н-----а бір-ас--пта о--ай-ыз-ба? Қ_____ д_ б__ а______ о_______ б__ Қ-н-а- д- б-р а-п-п-а о-н-й-ы- б-? ---------------------------------- Қандай да бір аспапта ойнайсыз ба? 0
Qa-d-y-----i----p---a-oyna---- --? Q_____ d_ b__ a______ o_______ b__ Q-n-a- d- b-r a-p-p-a o-n-y-ı- b-? ---------------------------------- Qanday da bir aspapta oynaysız ba?
This is my guitar. Мынау м---ң--и-ар--. М____ м____ г_______ М-н-у м-н-ң г-т-р-м- -------------------- Мынау менің гитарам. 0
M--aw --ni- ---ar-m. M____ m____ g_______ M-n-w m-n-ñ g-t-r-m- -------------------- Mınaw meniñ gïtaram.
Do you like to sing? Ән--йт--- ұна--сы---а? Ә_ а_____ ұ_______ б__ Ә- а-т-д- ұ-а-а-ы- б-? ---------------------- Ән айтуды ұнатасыз ба? 0
Ä- a--wd--u---a-ız--a? Ä_ a_____ u_______ b__ Ä- a-t-d- u-a-a-ı- b-? ---------------------- Än aytwdı unatasız ba?
Do you have children? Б----а-ыңыз -а--ма? Б__________ б__ м__ Б-л-л-р-ң-з б-р м-? ------------------- Балаларыңыз бар ма? 0
B---larıñı- b-r m-? B__________ b__ m__ B-l-l-r-ñ-z b-r m-? ------------------- Balalarıñız bar ma?
Do you have a dog? И-ің-з ------? И_____ б__ м__ И-і-і- б-р м-? -------------- Итіңіз бар ма? 0
Ïti--z--a---a? Ï_____ b__ m__ Ï-i-i- b-r m-? -------------- Ïtiñiz bar ma?
Do you have a cat? М--ы--ң-з-бар--а? М________ б__ м__ М-с-ғ-ң-з б-р м-? ----------------- Мысығыңыз бар ма? 0
M-sı-ıñız--a--ma? M________ b__ m__ M-s-ğ-ñ-z b-r m-? ----------------- Mısığıñız bar ma?
These are my books. Мы--- -ен-----тапт---м. М____ м____ к__________ М-н-у м-н-ң к-т-п-а-ы-. ----------------------- Мынау менің кітаптарым. 0
M--aw-m---- k-ta--a-ım. M____ m____ k__________ M-n-w m-n-ñ k-t-p-a-ı-. ----------------------- Mınaw meniñ kitaptarım.
I am currently reading this book. Қа--р --н- ------- -----жаты-м-н. Қ____ м___ к______ о___ ж________ Қ-з-р м-н- к-т-п-ы о-ы- ж-т-р-ы-. --------------------------------- Қазір мына кітапты оқып жатырмын. 0
Qaz-----na ------ı -q-p jatır---. Q____ m___ k______ o___ j________ Q-z-r m-n- k-t-p-ı o-ı- j-t-r-ı-. --------------------------------- Qazir mına kitaptı oqıp jatırmın.
What do you like to read? С-з -е--қы--н-- ұн--асыз? С__ н_ о_______ ұ________ С-з н- о-ы-а-д- ұ-а-а-ы-? ------------------------- Сіз не оқығанды ұнатасыз? 0
Siz-ne --ı-andı una-a-ız? S__ n_ o_______ u________ S-z n- o-ı-a-d- u-a-a-ı-? ------------------------- Siz ne oqığandı unatasız?
Do you like to go to concerts? С------о-----ке -а-ғ-- ------а? С____ к________ б_____ ұ___ м__ С-з-е к-н-е-т-е б-р-а- ұ-а- м-? ------------------------------- Сізге концертке барған ұнай ма? 0
Sizg- --n-er--e-barğan---ay--a? S____ k________ b_____ u___ m__ S-z-e k-n-e-t-e b-r-a- u-a- m-? ------------------------------- Sizge koncertke barğan unay ma?
Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)? Сі-ге-т-ат--- б--ған---а----? С____ т______ б_____ ұ___ м__ С-з-е т-а-р-а б-р-а- ұ-а- м-? ----------------------------- Сізге театрға барған ұнай ма? 0
Siz-e--eat-ğ--barğa- u-ay-ma? S____ t______ b_____ u___ m__ S-z-e t-a-r-a b-r-a- u-a- m-? ----------------------------- Sizge teatrğa barğan unay ma?
Do you like to go to the opera? Сі--е----рағ- б-рға- ұ-ай-ма? С____ о______ б_____ ұ___ м__ С-з-е о-е-а-а б-р-а- ұ-а- м-? ----------------------------- Сізге операға барған ұнай ма? 0
Si-g---perağa -ar-a--unay-m-? S____ o______ b_____ u___ m__ S-z-e o-e-a-a b-r-a- u-a- m-? ----------------------------- Sizge operağa barğan unay ma?

Mother language? Father language!

As a child, from whom did you learn your language? For sure you'll say: From mother! Most people in the world think that. The term "mother language" exists in almost all nations. The English as well as the Chinese are familiar with it. Perhaps because mothers spend more time with the children. But recent studies have come to different results. They show that our language is mostly the language of our fathers. Researchers examined genetic material and languages of mixed tribes. In such tribes, the parents came from different cultures. These tribes originated thousands of years ago. Large migratory movements were the reason for this. The genetic material of these mixed tribes was genetically analyzed. Then it was compared to the language of the tribe. Most tribes speak the language of their male ancestors. That means, the language of the country comes from the Y chromosome. So men brought their language with them to foreign lands. And the women there then adopted the new language of the men. But even today, fathers have a great deal of influence on our language. Because when learning, babies are oriented toward the language of their father. Fathers speak considerably less with their children. The male sentence structure is also simpler than that of the female. As a result, the language of the father is better suited for babies. It doesn't overwhelm them and is easier to learn as a result. That is why children prefer to imitate "Dad" when speaking rather than "Mum". Later, the mother's vocabulary shapes the child's language. In this way, mothers influence our language as well as fathers. So it should be called parental language!
Did you know?
Italian is counted among the Romance languages. That means that it developed out of Latin. Italian is the native language of about 70 million people. The majority of those live in Italy. Italian is also understood in Slovenia and Croatia. The language traveled as far away as Africa through colonial politics. Even today, Italian is understood in Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea by many older people. Numerous emigrants also took the language with them to their new homeland. Most notably there are many Italian-language communities in South America. Often Italian has mixed in with Spanish in those areas and created new languages. The unusual thing about Italian is its many different dialects. Some experts even speak of individual languages. The orthography of Italian is not difficult; it follows the pronunciation. For many, Italian is the most beautiful language in the world! Perhaps because it is the language of music, design and good cuisine?