
em Small Talk 2   »   mk Мал разговор 2

21 [twenty-one]

Small Talk 2

Small Talk 2

21 [дваесет и еден]

21 [dvayesyet i yedyen]

Мал разговор 2

[Mal razguovor 2]

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English (US) Macedonian Play More
Where do you come from? Од-к--е ---ѓат-? О_ к___ д_______ О- к-д- д-а-а-е- ---------------- Од каде доаѓате? 0
O---ad-e--o--at--? O_ k____ d________ O- k-d-e d-a-a-y-? ------------------ Od kadye doaѓatye?
From Basel. Од ---ел. О_ Б_____ О- Б-з-л- --------- Од Базел. 0
O- Bazy-l. O_ B______ O- B-z-e-. ---------- Od Bazyel.
Basel is in Switzerland. Ба-ел-с- -а-ѓа--- -в--цари-а. Б____ с_ н____ в_ Ш__________ Б-з-л с- н-о-а в- Ш-а-ц-р-ј-. ----------------------------- Базел се наоѓа во Швајцарија. 0
B---e----e-na--- vo ----јtz-r-ј-. B_____ s__ n____ v_ S____________ B-z-e- s-e n-o-a v- S-v-ј-z-r-ј-. --------------------------------- Bazyel sye naoѓa vo Shvaјtzariјa.
May I introduce Mr. Miller? С---м--и д- ви-го------та-а- г--п-д---- М-ле-? С____ л_ д_ в_ г_ п_________ г_________ М_____ С-е-м л- д- в- г- п-е-с-а-а- г-с-о-и-о- М-л-р- ---------------------------------------------- Смеам ли да ви го претставам господинот Милер? 0
S---am li ---v- gu- -rye-----a- --o-po--n-- -i---r? S_____ l_ d_ v_ g__ p__________ g__________ M______ S-y-a- l- d- v- g-o p-y-t-t-v-m g-o-p-d-n-t M-l-e-? --------------------------------------------------- Smyeam li da vi guo pryetstavam guospodinot Milyer?
He is a foreigner. То----с-р----. Т__ е с_______ Т-ј е с-р-н-ц- -------------- Тој е странец. 0
Toј -- stranye--. T__ y_ s_________ T-ј y- s-r-n-e-z- ----------------- Toј ye stranyetz.
He speaks several languages. Тој ---р----по--ќе-ј--и-и. Т__ з______ п_____ ј______ Т-ј з-о-у-а п-в-ќ- ј-з-ц-. -------------------------- Тој зборува повеќе јазици. 0
Toј zb-r-----p-v---j----a--tz-. T__ z_______ p________ ј_______ T-ј z-o-o-v- p-v-e-j-e ј-z-t-i- ------------------------------- Toј zboroova povyekjye јazitzi.
Are you here for the first time? Д-ли-сте--в---п- -р- -ат? Д___ с__ о___ п_ п__ п___ Д-л- с-е о-д- п- п-в п-т- ------------------------- Дали сте овде по прв пат? 0
D-l- st---ovdy---- p-v p-t? D___ s___ o____ p_ p__ p___ D-l- s-y- o-d-e p- p-v p-t- --------------------------- Dali stye ovdye po prv pat?
No, I was here once last year. Н---јас ве-е-бев---д---ин-та-а-г-----. Н__ ј__ в___ б__ о___ м_______ г______ Н-, ј-с в-ќ- б-в о-д- м-н-т-т- г-д-н-. -------------------------------------- Не, јас веќе бев овде минатата година. 0
Ny-, јas-----jye byev-o---e -----at- g-odi-a. N___ ј__ v______ b___ o____ m_______ g_______ N-e- ј-s v-e-j-e b-e- o-d-e m-n-t-t- g-o-i-a- --------------------------------------------- Nye, јas vyekjye byev ovdye minatata guodina.
Only for a week, though. Но---м-------с--м--а. Н_ с___ е___ с_______ Н- с-м- е-н- с-д-и-а- --------------------- Но само една седмица. 0
N---a-o ------s--dm---a. N_ s___ y____ s_________ N- s-m- y-d-a s-e-m-t-a- ------------------------ No samo yedna syedmitza.
How do you like it here? Как- Ви-се---па-а к-ј -ас? К___ В_ с_ д_____ к__ н___ К-к- В- с- д-п-ѓ- к-ј н-с- -------------------------- Како Ви се допаѓа кај нас? 0
Kak--Vi--y- -opaѓa---- -a-? K___ V_ s__ d_____ k__ n___ K-k- V- s-e d-p-ѓ- k-ј n-s- --------------------------- Kako Vi sye dopaѓa kaј nas?
A lot. The people are nice. Мно-у добр-- Л-ѓ--- -е--уб-зн-. М____ д_____ Л_____ с_ љ_______ М-о-у д-б-о- Л-ѓ-т- с- љ-б-з-и- ------------------------------- Многу добро. Луѓето се љубезни. 0
Mnogu---d--ro----o--e-o-sye--j-o--ez--. M______ d_____ L_______ s__ l__________ M-o-u-o d-b-o- L-o-y-t- s-e l-o-b-e-n-. --------------------------------------- Mnoguoo dobro. Looѓyeto sye ljoobyezni.
And I like the scenery, too. И-о-------а--и ----опаѓа исто -ака. И о________ м_ с_ д_____ и___ т____ И о-о-и-а-а м- с- д-п-ѓ- и-т- т-к-. ----------------------------------- И околината ми се допаѓа исто така. 0
I ok-linat---- -y----p--a--sto t-ka. I o________ m_ s__ d_____ i___ t____ I o-o-i-a-a m- s-e d-p-ѓ- i-t- t-k-. ------------------------------------ I okolinata mi sye dopaѓa isto taka.
What is your profession? Ш---ст--по-----ет? Ш__ с__ п_ з______ Ш-о с-е п- з-н-е-? ------------------ Што сте по занает? 0
S-to----- -- za-----? S___ s___ p_ z_______ S-t- s-y- p- z-n-y-t- --------------------- Shto stye po zanayet?
I am a translator. Јас су- пре--ду--ч. Ј__ с__ п__________ Ј-с с-м п-е-е-у-а-. ------------------- Јас сум преведувач. 0
Јas so--------ye----a--. Ј__ s___ p______________ Ј-s s-o- p-y-v-e-o-v-c-. ------------------------ Јas soom pryevyedoovach.
I translate books. Ј-с-п-ев---вам -ни-и. Ј__ п_________ к_____ Ј-с п-е-е-у-а- к-и-и- --------------------- Јас преведувам книги. 0
Ј-s--r-ev----o-a-----g-i. Ј__ p____________ k______ Ј-s p-y-v-e-o-v-m k-i-u-. ------------------------- Јas pryevyedoovam knigui.
Are you alone here? Д--и--------и--в-е? Д___ с__ с___ о____ Д-л- с-е с-м- о-д-? ------------------- Дали сте сами овде? 0
Dali -tye-sa-- --dye? D___ s___ s___ o_____ D-l- s-y- s-m- o-d-e- --------------------- Dali stye sami ovdye?
No, my wife / my husband is also here. Не--м-ј-т---о------/ м-јо- с-п--г -----о--ак- -вде. Н__ м_____ с______ / м____ с_____ е и___ т___ о____ Н-, м-ј-т- с-п-у-а / м-ј-т с-п-у- е и-т- т-к- о-д-. --------------------------------------------------- Не, мојата сопруга / мојот сопруг е исто така овде. 0
N-e- mo--ta--op-oogua /-moјot s---o--- ye ist- taka -v---. N___ m_____ s________ / m____ s_______ y_ i___ t___ o_____ N-e- m-ј-t- s-p-o-g-a / m-ј-t s-p-o-g- y- i-t- t-k- o-d-e- ---------------------------------------------------------- Nye, moјata soproogua / moјot soproogu ye isto taka ovdye.
And those are my two children. А ---у се -о--е д-- ---а. А т___ с_ м____ д__ д____ А т-м- с- м-и-е д-е д-ц-. ------------------------- А таму се моите две деца. 0
A---moo--ye-moit---dvy- d-etza. A t____ s__ m_____ d___ d______ A t-m-o s-e m-i-y- d-y- d-e-z-. ------------------------------- A tamoo sye moitye dvye dyetza.

Romance Languages

700 million people speak a Romance language as their native tongue. Thus the Romance language group ranks among the most significant worldwide. Romance languages belong to the Indo-European language family. All Romance languages date back to Latin. This means they are descendants of the language of Rome. The basis of all Romance languages was Vulgar Latin. By which is meant the Latin spoken in late ancient times. Vulgar Latin was spread throughout Europe through Roman conquests. Out of it there then developed the Romance languages and dialects. Latin itself is an Italian language. There are in total about 15 Romance languages. The exact number is difficult to determine. It is often unclear whether independent languages or only dialects exist. A few Romance languages have died out over the years. But new languages based on Romance languages have also developed. They are Creole languages. Today, Spanish is the largest Romance language worldwide. It belongs to the world languages with more than 380 million speakers. Romance languages are very interesting for scientists. Because the history of this linguistic group is well-documented. Latin or Roman texts have existed for 2,500 years. Linguists use them to examine the evolution of the individual languages. Thus, the rules from which language develops can be researched. Many of these results can be transferred to other languages. The grammar of Romance languages is similarly constructed. Above all, however, the vocabulary of the languages is similar. If a person speaks one Romance language, he can easily learn another one. Thank you, Latin!
Did you know?
The Japanese language is surely one of the most fascinating. Many people find the writing system especially interesting. It is comprised of Chinese symbols and two syllabaries. Another characteristic of Japanese is that it has many dialects. These differ from one another significantly in some cases. Thus it is possible that two speakers from different regions do not understand each other. Japanese has a melodic accent. If a word needs to be emphasized it is not spoken louder. The pitches of the sounds are varied. Approximately 130 million people speak Japanese. Naturally, the majority of those live in Japan. There are also large groups of Japanese speakers in Brazil and North America. They are the descendants of Japanese emigrants. There are relatively few true second language speakers. That is exactly what should motivate us to learn this exciting language!