At the airport » A laeroport
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001 - People 002 - Family Members 003 - Getting to know others 004 - At school 005 - Countries and Languages 006 - Reading and writing 007 - Numbers 008 - The time 009 - Days of the week 010 - Yesterday – today – tomorrow 011 - Months 012 - Beverages 013 - Activities 014 - Colors 015 - Fruits and food 016 - Seasons and Weather 017 - Around the house 018 - House cleaning 019 - In the kitchen 020 - Small Talk 1 021 - Small Talk 2 022 - Small Talk 3 023 - Learning foreign languages 024 - Appointment 025 - In the city026 - In nature 027 - In the hotel – Arrival 028 - In the hotel – Complaints 029 - At the restaurant 1 030 - At the restaurant 2 031 - At the restaurant 3 032 - At the restaurant 4 033 - At the train station 034 - On the train 035 - At the airport 036 - Public transportation 037 - En route 038 - In the taxi 039 - Car breakdown 040 - Asking for directions 041 - Where is ... ? 042 - City tour 043 - At the zoo 044 - Going out in the evening 045 - At the cinema 046 - In the discotheque 047 - Preparing a trip 048 - Vacation activities 049 - Sports 050 - In the swimming pool051 - Running errands 052 - In the department store 053 - Shops 054 - Shopping 055 - Working 056 - Feelings 057 - At the doctor 058 - Parts of the body 059 - At the post office 060 - At the bank 061 - Ordinal numbers 062 - Asking questions 1 063 - Asking questions 2 064 - Negation 1 065 - Negation 2 066 - Possessive pronouns 1 067 - Possessive pronouns 2 068 - Big – small 069 - To need – to want to 070 - To like something 071 - To want something 072 - To have to do something / must 073 - To be allowed to 074 - Asking for something 075 - Giving reasons076 - Giving reasons 2 077 - Giving reasons 3 078 - Adjectives 1 079 - Adjectives 2 080 - Adjectives 3 081 - Past tense 1 082 - Past tense 2 083 - Past tense 3 084 - Past tense 4 085 - Questions – Past tense 1 086 - Questions – Past tense 2 087 - Past tense of modal verbs 1 088 - Past tense of modal verbs 2 089 - Imperative 1 090 - Imperative 2 091 - Subordinate clauses: that 1 092 - Subordinate clauses: that 2 093 - Subordinate clauses: if 094 - Conjunctions 1 095 - Conjunctions 2 096 - Conjunctions 3 097 - Conjunctions 098 - Double connectors 099 - Genitive 100 - Adverbs
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35 [thirty-five]
At the airport
35 [trenta-cinc]
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Learning changes the brain
Those who work out often sculpt their bodies. But it is apparently possible to exercise one's brain too. That means more than talent is needed to learn a language. It is just as important to practice regularly. Because practice can positively influence structures in the brain. Of course, a special talent for languages is usually hereditary. Nevertheless, intensive exercise can change certain brain structures. The volume of the speech center increases. The nerve cells of people who practice a lot are also altered. It was long believed that the brain was unalterable. The belief was: What we don't learn as children, we'll never learn. Brain researchers, however, have come to a completely different conclusion. They were able to show that our brain remains agile for a lifetime. You could say that it functions like a muscle. Therefore it can continue growing into old age. Every input is processed in the brain. But when the brain is exercised it processes inputs much better. That is to say, it works faster and more efficiently. This principle holds true for both young and old people equally. But it is not imperative that a person study in order to exercise his brain. Reading is also very good practice. Challenging literature especially promotes our speech center. This means that our vocabulary gets larger. Moreover, our feeling for language is improved. What is interesting is that not only the speech center processes language. The area that controls motor skills also processes new content. Therefore it is important to stimulate the whole brain as often as possible. So: Exercise your body AND your brain!
Did you know?
Portuguese is counted among the Romance languages. It is closely related to Spanish and Catalan. It evolved from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman soldiers. European Portuguese is the native language of approximately 10 million people. It is also an important world language. This is due to Portugal's colonial power in the past. The maritime nation took its language to other continents in the 15th and 16th century. Portuguese is still spoken today in parts of Africa and Asia. Countries in these continents tend to use European Portuguese. It is different in Brazil. The language spoken there exhibits a few peculiarities and is considered its own form. However, usually Portuguese and Brazilians understand each other well. Altogether 240 million people worldwide speak Portuguese. Aside from that, there are around 20 Creole languages that are based on Portuguese. Portuguese is counted among the world languages today.
Portuguese is counted among the Romance languages. It is closely related to Spanish and Catalan. It evolved from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman soldiers. European Portuguese is the native language of approximately 10 million people. It is also an important world language. This is due to Portugal's colonial power in the past. The maritime nation took its language to other continents in the 15th and 16th century. Portuguese is still spoken today in parts of Africa and Asia. Countries in these continents tend to use European Portuguese. It is different in Brazil. The language spoken there exhibits a few peculiarities and is considered its own form. However, usually Portuguese and Brazilians understand each other well. Altogether 240 million people worldwide speak Portuguese. Aside from that, there are around 20 Creole languages that are based on Portuguese. Portuguese is counted among the world languages today.