
em Where is ... ?   »   kk Бағыт-бағдар

41 [forty-one]

Where is ... ?

Where is ... ?

41 [қырық бір]

41 [qırıq bir]



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Where is the tourist information office? Ту-ист-к-б-ро -а--а? Т_______ б___ қ_____ Т-р-с-і- б-р- қ-й-а- -------------------- Туристік бюро қайда? 0
T----tik-b-u-o-q-y--? T_______ b____ q_____ T-r-s-i- b-u-o q-y-a- --------------------- Twrïstik byuro qayda?
Do you have a city map for me? Сі--е- м-н----н---лан-ң к------ таб-л--й ма? С_____ м__ ү___ қ______ к______ т_______ м__ С-з-е- м-н ү-і- қ-л-н-ң к-р-а-ы т-б-л-а- м-? -------------------------------------------- Сізден мен үшін қаланың картасы табылмай ма? 0
Siz-e- men ---- --l---- -ar---- t-bılmay m-? S_____ m__ ü___ q______ k______ t_______ m__ S-z-e- m-n ü-i- q-l-n-ñ k-r-a-ı t-b-l-a- m-? -------------------------------------------- Sizden men üşin qalanıñ kartası tabılmay ma?
Can one reserve a room here? Мұн-- қ--ақ--й-- б---- ж-с---а бол- ма? М____ қ____ ү___ б____ ж______ б___ м__ М-н-а қ-н-қ ү-г- б-о-ь ж-с-у-а б-л- м-? --------------------------------------- Мұнда қонақ үйге бронь жасауға бола ма? 0
M-nda q-na- ----------ja----- -o-a -a? M____ q____ ü___ b___ j______ b___ m__ M-n-a q-n-q ü-g- b-o- j-s-w-a b-l- m-? -------------------------------------- Munda qonaq üyge bron jasawğa bola ma?
Where is the old city? Е-к- қа-а --й--ер-е? Е___ қ___ қ__ ж_____ Е-к- қ-л- қ-й ж-р-е- -------------------- Ескі қала қай жерде? 0
Eski --la q-y -erde? E___ q___ q__ j_____ E-k- q-l- q-y j-r-e- -------------------- Eski qala qay jerde?
Where is the cathedral? С-------- же---? С____ қ__ ж_____ С-б-р қ-й ж-р-е- ---------------- Собор қай жерде? 0
Sob-r-q-----rd-? S____ q__ j_____ S-b-r q-y j-r-e- ---------------- Sobor qay jerde?
Where is the museum? М-р-ж----ай -----? М______ қ__ ж_____ М-р-ж-й қ-й ж-р-е- ------------------ Мұражай қай жерде? 0
Mura-a------j-r--? M______ q__ j_____ M-r-j-y q-y j-r-e- ------------------ Murajay qay jerde?
Where can one buy stamps? П-шта ма-к-ла-ы- қа--ан-с--ы--ал--- -ола-ы? П____ м_________ қ_____ с____ а____ б______ П-ш-а м-р-а-а-ы- қ-й-а- с-т-п а-у-а б-л-д-? ------------------------------------------- Пошта маркаларын қайдан сатып алуға болады? 0
Po-ta mark----ı- qaydan s-t-p a--ğ--bola-ı? P____ m_________ q_____ s____ a____ b______ P-ş-a m-r-a-a-ı- q-y-a- s-t-p a-w-a b-l-d-? ------------------------------------------- Poşta markaların qaydan satıp alwğa boladı?
Where can one buy flowers? Гүлд- қ--дан с------л--- бол---? Г____ қ_____ с____ а____ б______ Г-л-і қ-й-а- с-т-п а-у-а б-л-д-? -------------------------------- Гүлді қайдан сатып алуға болады? 0
G-ld- ------ --t---a--ğa--o-ad-? G____ q_____ s____ a____ b______ G-l-i q-y-a- s-t-p a-w-a b-l-d-? -------------------------------- Güldi qaydan satıp alwğa boladı?
Where can one buy tickets? Би----і қ-йд------ып---у-- --лад-? Б______ қ_____ с____ а____ б______ Б-л-т-і қ-й-а- с-т-п а-у-а б-л-д-? ---------------------------------- Билетті қайдан сатып алуға болады? 0
Bïlet-i ---da- --tı- al-ğ- boladı? B______ q_____ s____ a____ b______ B-l-t-i q-y-a- s-t-p a-w-a b-l-d-? ---------------------------------- Bïletti qaydan satıp alwğa boladı?
Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? П--- қ-- же---? П___ қ__ ж_____ П-р- қ-й ж-р-е- --------------- Порт қай жерде? 0
Po-t qa- jerd-? P___ q__ j_____ P-r- q-y j-r-e- --------------- Port qay jerde?
Where is the market? Б--а- -а- ж-рде? Б____ қ__ ж_____ Б-з-р қ-й ж-р-е- ---------------- Базар қай жерде? 0
B-za- q-y----d-? B____ q__ j_____ B-z-r q-y j-r-e- ---------------- Bazar qay jerde?
Where is the castle? С--ай--а---е-де? С____ қ__ ж_____ С-р-й қ-й ж-р-е- ---------------- Сарай қай жерде? 0
S--a----- -er-e? S____ q__ j_____ S-r-y q-y j-r-e- ---------------- Saray qay jerde?
When does the tour begin? Экс-ур--------н-басталады? Э________ қ____ б_________ Э-с-у-с-я қ-ш-н б-с-а-а-ы- -------------------------- Экскурсия қашан басталады? 0
É-skw-s-y---a-a- b-s-----ı? É_________ q____ b_________ É-s-w-s-y- q-ş-n b-s-a-a-ı- --------------------------- Ékskwrsïya qaşan bastaladı?
When does the tour end? Э-скур-ия қа----аяқт----ы? Э________ қ____ а_________ Э-с-у-с-я қ-ш-н а-қ-а-а-ы- -------------------------- Экскурсия қашан аяқталады? 0
Éksk--s-ya -a--n-a---ta----? É_________ q____ a__________ É-s-w-s-y- q-ş-n a-a-t-l-d-? ---------------------------- Ékskwrsïya qaşan ayaqtaladı?
How long is the tour? Э---урсия----ш- -ақ-т---лад-? Э________ қ____ у____ б______ Э-с-у-с-я қ-н-а у-қ-т б-л-д-? ----------------------------- Экскурсия қанша уақыт болады? 0
Ék--wr--ya--an----a--- ----d-? É_________ q____ w____ b______ É-s-w-s-y- q-n-a w-q-t b-l-d-? ------------------------------ Ékskwrsïya qanşa waqıt boladı?
I would like a guide who speaks German. Маға- -е-ісше сө-----ін --д-к-ре- --і. М____ н______ с________ г__ к____ е___ М-ғ-н н-м-с-е с-й-е-т-н г-д к-р-к е-і- -------------------------------------- Маған немісше сөйлейтін гид керек еді. 0
M-ğa- n--i--e -öyl-y-i- g-d kere---d-. M____ n______ s________ g__ k____ e___ M-ğ-n n-m-s-e s-y-e-t-n g-d k-r-k e-i- -------------------------------------- Mağan nemisşe söyleytin gïd kerek edi.
I would like a guide who speaks Italian. Ма--- --а-ь-н----ө--е-т-- ги- к---к-ед-. М____ и________ с________ г__ к____ е___ М-ғ-н и-а-ь-н-а с-й-е-т-н г-д к-р-к е-і- ---------------------------------------- Маған итальянша сөйлейтін гид керек еді. 0
Ma-a---t-l-a-şa -ö-ley--n --- ---ek edi. M____ ï________ s________ g__ k____ e___ M-ğ-n ï-a-y-n-a s-y-e-t-n g-d k-r-k e-i- ---------------------------------------- Mağan ïtalyanşa söyleytin gïd kerek edi.
I would like a guide who speaks French. Маған фран-у--а с-йл--т-н-гид к-р-к ед-. М____ ф________ с________ г__ к____ е___ М-ғ-н ф-а-ц-з-а с-й-е-т-н г-д к-р-к е-і- ---------------------------------------- Маған французша сөйлейтін гид керек еді. 0
M---- f--nc---a--öyle-t-- -ïd ker-- ed-. M____ f________ s________ g__ k____ e___ M-ğ-n f-a-c-z-a s-y-e-t-n g-d k-r-k e-i- ---------------------------------------- Mağan francwzşa söyleytin gïd kerek edi.

Universal language English

English is the most widespread language in the world. But Mandarin, or High Chinese, has the most native speakers. English is the native language of "only" 350 million people. However, English has a great deal of influence on other languages. Since the middle of the 20th century it has taken on greater significance. This is largely due to the development of the USA into a superpower. English is the first foreign language taught in schools in many countries. International organizations use English as their official language. English is also the official language or common language of many countries. It is possible, however, that soon other languages will take over these functions. English belongs to the West Germanic languages. Therefore it is closely related to German, for example. But the language has changed significantly in the last 1,000 years. Earlier, English was an inflecting language. Most endings with a grammatical function have disappeared. Therefore, English can be counted among the isolating languages. This type of language is more similar to Chinese than to German. In the future, the English language will be further simplified. The irregular verbs will most likely disappear. English is simple compared to other Indo-European languages. But English orthography is very difficult. This is because spelling and pronunciation differ strongly from one another. English orthography has been the same for centuries. But pronunciation has changed considerably. As a result, one still writes the way one spoke in 1400. There are also many irregularities in pronunciation. There are 6 variants for the letter combination ough alone! Test yourself! – thorough, thought, through, rough, bough, cough .
Did you know?
Slovakian is counted among the West Slavic languages. It is the native language of more than 5 million people. It is very closely related to the neighboring Czech. This is due to their mutual past in former Czechoslovakia. The vocabulary of the two languages is largely identical. The differences are primarily in the phonology. Slovakian emerged in the 10th century in the form of multiple dialects. It was then influenced by neighboring languages over a long period of time. Today's standard language was not established until the 19th century. Some elements could thus be simplified compared to those in Czech. The many different dialects have been upheld until today though. Slovakian is written with the Latin alphabet. And it is the language that is easiest to understand for other Slavic speakers. It could be said that Slovakian is a type of intermediate language in the Slavic region. This is a good reason to grapple with this beautiful language.