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42 [кырк эки]

Шаарды кыдыруу

Şaardı kıdıruu

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Is the market open on Sundays? Баз-р же--е--- күн---ү и--ейби? Б____ ж_______ к______ и_______ Б-з-р ж-к-е-б- к-н-ө-ү и-т-й-и- ------------------------------- Базар жекшемби күндөрү иштейби? 0
Ba--r -ekşe-bi -ünd--ü--ş----i? B____ j_______ k______ i_______ B-z-r j-k-e-b- k-n-ö-ü i-t-y-i- ------------------------------- Bazar jekşembi kündörü işteybi?
Is the fair open on Mondays? Жар-ан-е-д-йшө--ү-к------ --ы-пы? Ж_______ д_______ к______ а______ Ж-р-а-к- д-й-ө-б- к-н-ө-ү а-ы-п-? --------------------------------- Жарманке дүйшөмбү күндөрү ачыкпы? 0
J-----ke dü-ş-m-ü --n-örü --ık-ı? J_______ d_______ k______ a______ J-r-a-k- d-y-ö-b- k-n-ö-ü a-ı-p-? --------------------------------- Jarmanke düyşömbü kündörü açıkpı?
Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays? К-ргөз-- шейше-б- к--д-рү--ч-лаб-? К_______ ш_______ к______ а_______ К-р-ө-м- ш-й-е-б- к-н-ө-ү а-ы-а-ы- ---------------------------------- Көргөзмө шейшемби күндөрү ачылабы? 0
K-r-özm---ey---b- --nd-r- aç-labı? K_______ ş_______ k______ a_______ K-r-ö-m- ş-y-e-b- k-n-ö-ü a-ı-a-ı- ---------------------------------- Körgözmö şeyşembi kündörü açılabı?
Is the zoo open on Wednesdays? Зо--ар--ша--е--и -----рү--ш-ейби? З______ ш_______ к______ и_______ З-о-а-к ш-р-е-б- к-н-ө-ү и-т-й-и- --------------------------------- Зоопарк шаршемби күндөрү иштейби? 0
Z--p-r- ş-r-em-i-kü-d-r--i----bi? Z______ ş_______ k______ i_______ Z-o-a-k ş-r-e-b- k-n-ö-ü i-t-y-i- --------------------------------- Zoopark şarşembi kündörü işteybi?
Is the museum open on Thursdays? М-з-- -е--е-б--к-н---ү -ш-е---? М____ б_______ к______ и_______ М-з-й б-й-е-б- к-н-ө-ү и-т-й-и- ------------------------------- Музей бейшемби күндөрү иштейби? 0
Muz-y -ey-em-----n-ö-ü---teyb-? M____ b_______ k______ i_______ M-z-y b-y-e-b- k-n-ö-ü i-t-y-i- ------------------------------- Muzey beyşembi kündörü işteybi?
Is the gallery open on Fridays? Гал-рея -----к-ндө-ү а-ык--? Г______ ж___ к______ а______ Г-л-р-я ж-м- к-н-ө-ү а-ы-п-? ---------------------------- Галерея жума күндөрү ачыкпы? 0
G--erey- -u----ün---- --ı--ı? G_______ j___ k______ a______ G-l-r-y- j-m- k-n-ö-ü a-ı-p-? ----------------------------- Galereya juma kündörü açıkpı?
Can one take photographs? Сүрөткө-т--ту--- -ол-б-? С______ т_______ б______ С-р-т-ө т-р-у-г- б-л-б-? ------------------------ Сүрөткө тартууга болобу? 0
S--öt----a-t-u-----lo-u? S______ t_______ b______ S-r-t-ö t-r-u-g- b-l-b-? ------------------------ Sürötkö tartuuga bolobu?
Does one have to pay an entrance fee? К-рү----ыс-- -ө-өө ----к--? К____ а_____ т____ к_______ К-р-ү а-ы-ы- т-л-ө к-р-к-и- --------------------------- Кирүү акысын төлөө керекпи? 0
K---ü-akı--n--ö----ke-----? K____ a_____ t____ k_______ K-r-ü a-ı-ı- t-l-ö k-r-k-i- --------------------------- Kirüü akısın tölöö kerekpi?
How much is the entrance fee? К-рү----н-а---р--? К____ к____ т_____ К-р-ү к-н-а т-р-т- ------------------ Кирүү канча турат? 0
Ki--- --n-a---rat? K____ k____ t_____ K-r-ü k-n-a t-r-t- ------------------ Kirüü kança turat?
Is there a discount for groups? То--ор ү--- -р---да--у-бар--? Т_____ ү___ а_________ б_____ Т-п-о- ү-ү- а-з-н-а-у- б-р-ы- ----------------------------- Топтор үчүн арзандатуу барбы? 0
To---r---ü- arz----tu- b--b-? T_____ ü___ a_________ b_____ T-p-o- ü-ü- a-z-n-a-u- b-r-ı- ----------------------------- Toptor üçün arzandatuu barbı?
Is there a discount for children? Жа- -а---р-а-а-----ат-у---рб-? Ж__ б_______ а_________ б_____ Ж-ш б-л-а-г- а-з-н-а-у- б-р-ы- ------------------------------ Жаш балдарга арзандатуу барбы? 0
J-ş ba--a-g--ar-a--a-uu barb-? J__ b_______ a_________ b_____ J-ş b-l-a-g- a-z-n-a-u- b-r-ı- ------------------------------ Jaş baldarga arzandatuu barbı?
Is there a discount for students? Студ-нт-----чү- --з----т-----рбы? С_________ ү___ а_________ б_____ С-у-е-т-е- ү-ү- а-з-н-а-у- б-р-ы- --------------------------------- Студенттер үчүн арзандатуу барбы? 0
S---e--ter ü-ün--rz-n--t-u--a---? S_________ ü___ a_________ b_____ S-u-e-t-e- ü-ü- a-z-n-a-u- b-r-ı- --------------------------------- Studentter üçün arzandatuu barbı?
What building is that? Бу- ка---- -мар--? Б__ к_____ и______ Б-л к-н-а- и-а-а-? ------------------ Бул кандай имарат? 0
Bu--k-n-a- i--ra-? B__ k_____ i______ B-l k-n-a- i-a-a-? ------------------ Bul kanday imarat?
How old is the building? Имар-т ---ч-----та? И_____ к____ ж_____ И-а-а- к-н-а ж-ш-а- ------------------- Имарат канча жашта? 0
İ--r-t --n----a--a? İ_____ k____ j_____ İ-a-a- k-n-a j-ş-a- ------------------- İmarat kança jaşta?
Who built the building? Имар--ты ки- -ур-ан? И_______ к__ к______ И-а-а-т- к-м к-р-а-? -------------------- Имаратты ким курган? 0
İmar-t-ı--im-k-r-a-? İ_______ k__ k______ İ-a-a-t- k-m k-r-a-? -------------------- İmarattı kim kurgan?
I’m interested in architecture. Мен-а-х-те-ту-аг----з---м. М__ а____________ к_______ М-н а-х-т-к-у-а-а к-з-г-м- -------------------------- Мен архитектурага кызыгам. 0
M-----hi-e-tur--a kı-ı--m. M__ a____________ k_______ M-n a-h-t-k-u-a-a k-z-g-m- -------------------------- Men arhitekturaga kızıgam.
I’m interested in art. Ме--иску--твого-кызы---. М__ и__________ к_______ М-н и-к-с-т-о-о к-з-г-м- ------------------------ Мен искусствого кызыгам. 0
Me---skus-------kız-ga-. M__ i__________ k_______ M-n i-k-s-t-o-o k-z-g-m- ------------------------ Men iskusstvogo kızıgam.
I’m interested in paintings. Ме- сүр-- т--ту--а---з-г-м. М__ с____ т_______ к_______ М-н с-р-т т-р-у-г- к-з-г-м- --------------------------- Мен сүрөт тартууга кызыгам. 0
M-n s---t t---u--a--ızıga-. M__ s____ t_______ k_______ M-n s-r-t t-r-u-g- k-z-g-m- --------------------------- Men süröt tartuuga kızıgam.

Fast languages, slow languages

There are over 6,000 languages worldwide. But all have the same function. They help us exchange information. This happens in various ways in every language. Because every language behaves according to its own rules. The speed with which a language is spoken also differs. Linguists have proven this in various studies. To this end, short texts were translated into several languages. These texts were then read aloud by native speakers. The result was clear. Japanese and Spanish are the fastest languages. In these languages, almost 8 syllables per second are spoken. The Chinese speak considerably slower. They speak only 5 syllables per second. The speed is dependent on the complexity of the syllables. If the syllables are complex, speaking takes longer. German contains 3 sounds per syllable, for example. Therefore it is spoken relatively slowly. Speaking quickly does not mean, however, that there is a lot to communicate. Quite the opposite! Only a little information is contained in syllables that are quickly spoken. Although the Japanese speak quickly, they convey little content. On the other hand, the "slow" Chinese say a great deal with a few words. English syllables also contain a lot of information. Interesting is: The evaluated languages are almost equally efficient! That means, he who speaks slower says more. And he who speaks faster needs more words. In the end, all reach their goal at about the same time.
Did you know?
Slovenian is counted among the South Slavic languages. It is the native language of about 2 million people. These people live in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Italy and Hungary. Slovenian is similar in many ways to Czech and Slovakian. Many influences from Serbo-Croatian can also be seen. Although Slovenia is a small country, many different dialects exist there. This is due to the fact that the language region looks back at a checkered history. This manifests itself in the vocabulary too, as it contains many foreign language terms. Slovenian is written with Latin letters. The grammar distinguishes six cases and three genders. There are two official phonologies in the pronunciation. One of them differentiates precisely between high and low sounds. Another peculiarity of the language is its archaic structure. Slovenians have always been very open with respect to other languages. So they are even happier when someone is interested in their language!