
em Preparing a trip   »   ad Гъогу техьаным зыфэгъэхьазырын

47 [forty-seven]

Preparing a trip

Preparing a trip

47 [тIокIитIурэ блырэ]

47 [tIokIitIurje blyrje]

Гъогу техьаным зыфэгъэхьазырын

Gogu teh'anym zyfjegjeh'azyryn

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You have to pack our suitcase! Тичемо--н бг-э---зырын-ф--. Т________ б___________ ф___ Т-ч-м-д-н б-ъ-х-а-ы-ы- ф-е- --------------------------- Тичемодан бгъэхьазырын фае. 0
Tich-modan--g---'-z-ryn--a-. T_________ b___________ f___ T-c-e-o-a- b-j-h-a-y-y- f-e- ---------------------------- Tichemodan bgjeh'azyryn fae.
Don’t forget anything! З--а-- ---ы-----ъ------ъущ--п! З_____ з_____________ х_______ З-п-р- з-щ-б-ъ-г-у-ш- х-у-т-п- ------------------------------ Зыпари зыщыбгъэгъупшэ хъущтэп! 0
Z--ar--------b--e--ps--e -u-hht-e-! Z_____ z________________ h_________ Z-p-r- z-s-h-b-j-g-p-h-e h-s-h-j-p- ----------------------------------- Zypari zyshhybgjegupshje hushhtjep!
You need a big suitcase! Чемо--- на-ь--нэ- уи-ы-I-г-. Ч______ н___ и___ у_________ Ч-м-д-н н-х- и-э- у-щ-к-а-ъ- ---------------------------- Чемодан нахь инэу уищыкIагъ. 0
Ch---d----ah'-i-je---i-------g. C_______ n___ i____ u__________ C-e-o-a- n-h- i-j-u u-s-h-k-a-. ------------------------------- Chemodan nah' injeu uishhykIag.
Don’t forget your passport! Па---р----к-ыз-щ----ъ-----ш! П________ к_________________ П-с-о-т-р к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- ---------------------------- Паспортыр къызыщымыгъэгъупш! 0
Pa-por-y- k-zyshh-m--j-g-p--! P________ k__________________ P-s-o-t-r k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-! ----------------------------- Pasportyr kyzyshhymygjegupsh!
Don’t forget your ticket! Къ------эт--би-етыр---ы-ыщым-гъэ--упш! К__________ б______ к_________________ К-у-ь-л-э-э б-л-т-р к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- -------------------------------------- Къухьэлъэтэ билетыр къызыщымыгъэгъупш! 0
K--'jel-et-e-bi----- -y--s-h-m---eg--s-! K___________ b______ k__________________ K-h-j-l-e-j- b-l-t-r k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-! ---------------------------------------- Kuh'jeljetje biletyr kyzyshhymygjegupsh!
Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)! Г--гу --кх------з-щымы--э----ш! Г____ ч_____ к_________________ Г-о-у ч-к-э- к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- ------------------------------- Гъогу чекхэр къызыщымыгъэгъупш! 0
G-g---h-k-jer-k----hhym--jeg--s-! G___ c_______ k__________________ G-g- c-e-h-e- k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-! --------------------------------- Gogu chekhjer kyzyshhymygjegupsh!
Take some suntan lotion with you. Т----- укъ--ымы---с---т к-е--- з-дашт. Т_____ у_______________ к_____ з______ Т-г-э- у-ъ-з-м-г-э-т-щ- к-е-ы- з-д-ш-. -------------------------------------- Тыгъэм укъезымыгъэстыщт кремыр зыдашт. 0
T-g--m --ezy---j-st--hht ----y- zy-as-t. T_____ u________________ k_____ z_______ T-g-e- u-e-y-y-j-s-y-h-t k-e-y- z-d-s-t- ---------------------------------------- Tygjem ukezymygjestyshht kremyr zydasht.
Take the sun-glasses with you. Н------ж- -Iу---р------т. Н________ ш______ з______ Н-г-у-д-э ш-у-I-р з-д-ш-. ------------------------- Нэгъунджэ шIуцIэр зыдашт. 0
N-eg-ndzh-- ---u-Ij-- -----h-. N__________ s________ z_______ N-e-u-d-h-e s-I-c-j-r z-d-s-t- ------------------------------ Njegundzhje shIucIjer zydasht.
Take the sun hat with you. Гъ-м-фэ ---ор--ыдаш-. Г______ п____ з______ Г-э-э-э п-I-р з-д-ш-. --------------------- Гъэмэфэ паIор зыдашт. 0
Gj-mjefj- -aIo- z-das-t. G________ p____ z_______ G-e-j-f-e p-I-r z-d-s-t- ------------------------ Gjemjefje paIor zydasht.
Do you want to take a road map? Картэр-з-дапш-э п-I--г-у-? К_____ з_______ п_________ К-р-э- з-д-п-т- п-I-и-ъ-а- -------------------------- Картэр зыдапштэ пшIоигъуа? 0
K-rt--- --d-psht-e-p---o-gua? K______ z_________ p_________ K-r-j-r z-d-p-h-j- p-h-o-g-a- ----------------------------- Kartjer zydapshtje pshIoigua?
Do you want to take a travel guide? Гъ--у----уазэ--з----штэ пшI-и--у-? Г_____________ з_______ п_________ Г-о-у-ы-ъ-а-э- з-д-п-т- п-I-и-ъ-а- ---------------------------------- Гъогурыгъуазэр зыдапштэ пшIоигъуа? 0
Gog---guazj---z-dapshtj- ------g--? G____________ z_________ p_________ G-g-r-g-a-j-r z-d-p-h-j- p-h-o-g-a- ----------------------------------- Goguryguazjer zydapshtje pshIoigua?
Do you want to take an umbrella? Щ--с-ир--щэты--р)--ы-ап-тэ пшIоигъу-? Щ______ (________ з_______ п_________ Щ-м-ы-р (-э-ы-э-) з-д-п-т- п-I-и-ъ-а- ------------------------------------- Щамсыир (щэтырэр) зыдапштэ пшIоигъуа? 0
S-h--sy-r ----j-----er- -ydaps--j- p-h-o---a? S________ (____________ z_________ p_________ S-h-m-y-r (-h-j-t-r-e-) z-d-p-h-j- p-h-o-g-a- --------------------------------------------- Shhamsyir (shhjetyrjer) zydapshtje pshIoigua?
Remember to take pants, shirts and socks. Гъ-нчэд-х-р--джанэхэ-- -ъэпэ--э- к--з-щ--ы--эгъ-пш. Г___________ д________ л________ к_________________ Г-о-ч-д-х-р- д-а-э-э-, л-э-э-х-р к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- --------------------------------------------------- Гъончэджхэр, джанэхэр, лъэпэдхэр къызыщымыгъэгъупш. 0
Go-chjed--h-e-, dzh----hjer, -je-j-dhje- --zy----my--e---sh. G______________ d___________ l__________ k__________________ G-n-h-e-z-h-e-, d-h-n-e-j-r- l-e-j-d-j-r k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gonchjedzhhjer, dzhanjehjer, ljepjedhjer kyzyshhymygjegupsh.
Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets. Пш-э---ъ-----бгы---х--р, кI-кIо--р--ъыз---м--ъэгъ---. П___________ б__________ к________ к_________________ П-ъ-д-л-х-р- б-ы-ы-х-э-, к-а-I-х-р к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- ----------------------------------------------------- Пшъэдэлъхэр, бгырыпххэр, кIакIохэр къызыщымыгъэгъупш. 0
P-h-e--el---r, --y--p-hj-r, kI-kI-h--r--yz-shh-m--j---p--. P_____________ b___________ k_________ k__________________ P-h-e-j-l-j-r- b-y-y-h-j-r- k-a-I-h-e- k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pshjedjelhjer, bgyryphhjer, kIakIohjer kyzyshhymygjegupsh.
Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts. Пи-ам-х--, --щ--ж---хэ-- фут-о---х-р--ъ--ы--м--ъ-г-у-ш. П_________ ч__ д________ ф__________ к_________________ П-ж-м-х-р- ч-щ д-а-э-э-, ф-т-о-к-х-р к-ы-ы-ы-ы-ъ-г-у-ш- ------------------------------------------------------- Пижамэхэр, чэщ джанэхэр, футболкэхэр къызыщымыгъэгъупш. 0
P--h-mj-hj----ch-eshh d--an-e-jer,----bo--je-je- --zy-hhym--j-g---h. P____________ c______ d___________ f____________ k__________________ P-z-a-j-h-e-, c-j-s-h d-h-n-e-j-r- f-t-o-k-e-j-r k-z-s-h-m-g-e-u-s-. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pizhamjehjer, chjeshh dzhanjehjer, futbolkjehjer kyzyshhymygjegupsh.
You need shoes, sandals and boots. Щы-ы-ъ-хэр,---э---э----къэхэ-- ----м---р --щ------э-т-х. Щ__________ г______ ц_________ щ________ у______________ Щ-р-к-у-э-, г-э-э-э ц-а-ъ-х-р- щ-з-м-х-р у-щ-к-э-ъ-щ-ы-. -------------------------------------------------------- Щырыкъухэр, гъэмэфэ цуакъэхэр, щазымэхэр уищыкIэгъэщтых. 0
S-----ku-jer---je----je-c---j-hj-----h--zy-je-j-r--is--y--je---sh-t--. S____________ g________ c__________ s____________ u___________________ S-h-r-k-h-e-, g-e-j-f-e c-a-j-h-e-, s-h-z-m-e-j-r u-s-h-k-j-g-e-h-t-h- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shhyrykuhjer, gjemjefje cuakjehjer, shhazymjehjer uishhykIjegjeshhtyh.
You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper. I-п-ъэ-Iж---хэр,-с---н---Iи Iэбжъ-нэпы------ уи-ыкIэ---щ---. I_______________ с____ ы___ I_______________ у______________ I-п-ъ-к-ж-ы-х-р- с-б-н ы-I- I-б-ъ-н-п-у-к-ы- у-щ-к-э-ъ-щ-ы-. ------------------------------------------------------------ IэплъэкIжъыехэр, сабын ыкIи IэбжъэнэпыупкIыр уищыкIэгъэщтых. 0
I-e-l-e---hy--je---saby- -kI---j-b-hj-n--pyup-Iy---is-h-kI----es---yh. I_________________ s____ y___ I__________________ u___________________ I-e-l-e-I-h-e-j-r- s-b-n y-I- I-e-z-j-n-e-y-p-I-r u-s-h-k-j-g-e-h-t-h- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IjepljekIzhyehjer, sabyn ykIi IjebzhjenjepyupkIyr uishhykIjegjeshhtyh.
You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Шъх-э-ажь--, ц-л-э-Iх-----щы---гъэщ---. Ш___________ ц_________ у______________ Ш-х-э-а-ь-р- ц-л-э-I-э- у-щ-к-э-ъ-щ-ы-. --------------------------------------- Шъхьэмажьэр, цэлъэкIхэр уищыкIэгъэщтых. 0
Shh'je-azh'jer----e-j---hjer---s-h-k-j-gje----y-. S______________ c___________ u___________________ S-h-j-m-z-'-e-, c-e-j-k-h-e- u-s-h-k-j-g-e-h-t-h- ------------------------------------------------- Shh'jemazh'jer, cjeljekIhjer uishhykIjegjeshhtyh.

The future of languages

More than 1.3 billion people speak Chinese. This makes Chinese the most spoken language worldwide. It will remain the case for the many years to come. The future of many other languages does not look as positive. Because many local languages will die out. Around 6,000 different languages are presently spoken. But experts estimate that the majority of them are threatened by extinction. About 90% of all languages will vanish. Most of them will die out in this century alone. This means that a language will be lost every day. The meaning of individual languages will also change in the future. English is still in second place. But the number of native speakers of languages is not remaining constant. The demographical development is responsible for this. In a few decades, other languages will be dominant. Hindi/Urdu and Arabic will soon be in 2nd and 3rd place. English will take 4th place. German will completely disappear out of the Top Ten . In turn, Malay will belong to the most important languages. While many languages die out, new ones will emerge. They will be hybrid languages. These linguistic hybrids will be spoken in cities more than anywhere else. Completely new variants of languages will also develop. So in the future there will be various forms of the English language. The number of bilingual people will increase considerably worldwide. How we will speak in the future is unclear. But even in 100 years there will still be different languages. So learning won't end so quickly…
Did you know?
Czech is the native language of about 12 million people. It is counted among the West Slavic languages. Czech and Slovakian are very similar to each other. This is due to the common history of both countries. Still, the languages are different from each other in a few ways. Younger Czechs and Slovaks sometimes have difficulty understanding each other. There are also speakers, however, who use a hybrid language. Spoken Czech is very different from the written form. It could be said that standard or high Czech only exists in the written form. It is only spoken at official occasions or in the media. This strict separation is an important hallmark of the Czech language. Czech grammar is not simple. For example, there are seven cases and four genders. Regardless, learning it is a lot of fun. You will discover so many new things in the process.