In the department store » Sa department store
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001 - People 002 - Family Members 003 - Getting to know others 004 - At school 005 - Countries and Languages 006 - Reading and writing 007 - Numbers 008 - The time 009 - Days of the week 010 - Yesterday – today – tomorrow 011 - Months 012 - Beverages 013 - Activities 014 - Colors 015 - Fruits and food 016 - Seasons and Weather 017 - Around the house 018 - House cleaning 019 - In the kitchen 020 - Small Talk 1 021 - Small Talk 2 022 - Small Talk 3 023 - Learning foreign languages 024 - Appointment 025 - In the city026 - In nature 027 - In the hotel – Arrival 028 - In the hotel – Complaints 029 - At the restaurant 1 030 - At the restaurant 2 031 - At the restaurant 3 032 - At the restaurant 4 033 - At the train station 034 - On the train 035 - At the airport 036 - Public transportation 037 - En route 038 - In the taxi 039 - Car breakdown 040 - Asking for directions 041 - Where is ... ? 042 - City tour 043 - At the zoo 044 - Going out in the evening 045 - At the cinema 046 - In the discotheque 047 - Preparing a trip 048 - Vacation activities 049 - Sports 050 - In the swimming pool051 - Running errands 052 - In the department store 053 - Shops 054 - Shopping 055 - Working 056 - Feelings 057 - At the doctor 058 - Parts of the body 059 - At the post office 060 - At the bank 061 - Ordinal numbers 062 - Asking questions 1 063 - Asking questions 2 064 - Negation 1 065 - Negation 2 066 - Possessive pronouns 1 067 - Possessive pronouns 2 068 - Big – small 069 - To need – to want to 070 - To like something 071 - To want something 072 - To have to do something / must 073 - To be allowed to 074 - Asking for something 075 - Giving reasons076 - Giving reasons 2 077 - Giving reasons 3 078 - Adjectives 1 079 - Adjectives 2 080 - Adjectives 3 081 - Past tense 1 082 - Past tense 2 083 - Past tense 3 084 - Past tense 4 085 - Questions – Past tense 1 086 - Questions – Past tense 2 087 - Past tense of modal verbs 1 088 - Past tense of modal verbs 2 089 - Imperative 1 090 - Imperative 2 091 - Subordinate clauses: that 1 092 - Subordinate clauses: that 2 093 - Subordinate clauses: if 094 - Conjunctions 1 095 - Conjunctions 2 096 - Conjunctions 3 097 - Conjunctions 098 - Double connectors 099 - Genitive 100 - Adverbs
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52 [fifty-two]
In the department store
52 [limampu’t dalawa]
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Women are more linguistically gifted than men!
Women are just as intelligent as men. On average they both have the same intelligence quotient. However, the gender competencies differ. For example, men think better three-dimensionally. They also solve mathematical problems better. Women, on the other hand, have a better memory. And they master languages better. Women make fewer mistakes in spelling and grammar. They also have a larger vocabulary and read more fluently. Therefore, they typically achieve better results in language tests. The reason for women's linguistic edge lies in the brain. The male and female brain is organized differently. The left half of the brain is responsible for language. This region controls linguistic processes. Despite this, women use both halves of the brain when processing speech. Furthermore, the two halves of their brain can exchange ideas better. So the female brain is more active in speech processing. And women can process speech more efficiently. How the brains differ is still unknown. Some scientists believe that biology is the reason for it. Female and male genes influence brain development. Women and men are also the way they are because of hormones. Others say that our upbringing influences our development. Because female babies are spoken and read to more. Young boys, on the other hand, receive more technical toys. So it could be that our environment shapes our brain. On the other hand, certain differences exist worldwide. And children are raised differently in every culture…
Did you know?
Vietnamese is counted among the Mon-Khmer languages. It is the native language of more than 80 million people. It is not related to Chinese. The majority of the vocabulary is, however, of Chinese origin. This is due to the fact that Vietnam was part of China for 1000 years. Then, during the time of colonization, French had a large influence on the development of Vietnamese. Vietnamese is a tonal language. That means that the pitch of syllables determines the meaning of a word. Therefore, wrong pronunciation can completely change what is said or even make it meaningless. Altogether there are six different pitches in Vietnamese. Today the language is written with Latin letters. Earlier, Chinese characters were used. Because Vietnamese is an isolating language, words are not inflected. The language is still in the early stages of being researched. Discover this language - it is really worth it!
Vietnamese is counted among the Mon-Khmer languages. It is the native language of more than 80 million people. It is not related to Chinese. The majority of the vocabulary is, however, of Chinese origin. This is due to the fact that Vietnam was part of China for 1000 years. Then, during the time of colonization, French had a large influence on the development of Vietnamese. Vietnamese is a tonal language. That means that the pitch of syllables determines the meaning of a word. Therefore, wrong pronunciation can completely change what is said or even make it meaningless. Altogether there are six different pitches in Vietnamese. Today the language is written with Latin letters. Earlier, Chinese characters were used. Because Vietnamese is an isolating language, words are not inflected. The language is still in the early stages of being researched. Discover this language - it is really worth it!