
em Working   »   kk Жұмыс істеу

55 [fifty-five]



55 [елу бес]

55 [elw bes]

Жұмыс істеу

[Jumıs istew]

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What do you do for a living? Мам----ғы-ы---е? М___________ н__ М-м-н-ы-ы-ы- н-? ---------------- Мамандығыңыз не? 0
M-mandı--ñ----e? M___________ n__ M-m-n-ı-ı-ı- n-? ---------------- Mamandığıñız ne?
My husband is a doctor. Күйеуі---- -а-ан---ы - дәр----. К_________ м________ - д_______ К-й-у-м-і- м-м-н-ы-ы - д-р-г-р- ------------------------------- Күйеуімнің мамандығы - дәрігер. 0
K--ewimni---ama-d-ğı----äri-er. K_________ m________ - d_______ K-y-w-m-i- m-m-n-ı-ı - d-r-g-r- ------------------------------- Küyewimniñ mamandığı - däriger.
I work as a nurse part-time. М---ж-----күн м-дбике--ол-п-----ймі-. М__ ж____ к__ м______ б____ і________ М-н ж-р-ы к-н м-д-и-е б-л-п і-т-й-і-. ------------------------------------- Мен жарты күн медбике болып істеймін. 0
M-n-ja-t---ü--me-bïk- --l-p i-t---in. M__ j____ k__ m______ b____ i________ M-n j-r-ı k-n m-d-ï-e b-l-p i-t-y-i-. ------------------------------------- Men jartı kün medbïke bolıp isteymin.
We will soon receive our pension. Ж-қын-----й------ -л---з. Ж______ з________ а______ Ж-қ-н-а з-й-е-а-ы а-а-ы-. ------------------------- Жақында зейнетақы аламыз. 0
J-q--d--z-y-e---- -l-m--. J______ z________ a______ J-q-n-a z-y-e-a-ı a-a-ı-. ------------------------- Jaqında zeynetaqı alamız.
But taxes are high. Б---- са-ы- -ө-шер----ғ-р-. Б____ с____ м______ ж______ Б-р-қ с-л-қ м-л-е-і ж-ғ-р-. --------------------------- Бірақ салық мөлшері жоғары. 0
B--a- --l---m--ş-ri joğar-. B____ s____ m______ j______ B-r-q s-l-q m-l-e-i j-ğ-r-. --------------------------- Biraq salıq mölşeri joğarı.
And health insurance is expensive. Мед-ци--л---с-қ----ыр---- ------. М__________ с_________ д_ қ______ М-д-ц-н-л-қ с-қ-а-д-р- д- қ-м-а-. --------------------------------- Медициналық сақтандыру да қымбат. 0
M-dï--na--- sa-t--d-r-------mbat. M__________ s_________ d_ q______ M-d-c-n-l-q s-q-a-d-r- d- q-m-a-. --------------------------------- Medïcïnalıq saqtandırw da qımbat.
What would you like to become some day? С-ні---ім---лғы- келеді? С____ к__ б_____ к______ С-н-ң к-м б-л-ы- к-л-д-? ------------------------ Сенің кім болғың келеді? 0
Se--ñ-k-m-b-l-ı--ke--d-? S____ k__ b_____ k______ S-n-ñ k-m b-l-ı- k-l-d-? ------------------------ Seniñ kim bolğıñ keledi?
I would like to become an engineer. М-н инже-е- --л-ым--ел-ді. М__ и______ б_____ к______ М-н и-ж-н-р б-л-ы- к-л-д-. -------------------------- Мен инженер болғым келеді. 0
M----n--ne- b-lğ-m-kel-di. M__ ï______ b_____ k______ M-n ï-j-n-r b-l-ı- k-l-d-. -------------------------- Men ïnjener bolğım keledi.
I want to go to college. Ме- -н-верси--тт- оқы--м-келед-. М__ у____________ о_____ к______ М-н у-и-е-с-т-т-е о-ы-ы- к-л-д-. -------------------------------- Мен университетте оқығым келеді. 0
Me- w-ïv-r--t--te o-ığ-----l--i. M__ w____________ o_____ k______ M-n w-ï-e-s-t-t-e o-ı-ı- k-l-d-. -------------------------------- Men wnïversïtette oqığım keledi.
I am an intern. М-- --ж-р-бе-е- ---ш-мін. М__ т__________ ө________ М-н т-ж-р-б-д-н ө-у-і-і-. ------------------------- Мен тәжірибеден өтушімін. 0
M-n t---rïbe--n ötw-i-in. M__ t__________ ö________ M-n t-j-r-b-d-n ö-w-i-i-. ------------------------- Men täjirïbeden ötwşimin.
I do not earn much. Ме--- -абыс-м ----е-е-. М____ т______ к__ е____ М-н-ң т-б-с-м к-п е-е-. ----------------------- Менің табысым көп емес. 0
Me-i- ---ıs-m------me-. M____ t______ k__ e____ M-n-ñ t-b-s-m k-p e-e-. ----------------------- Meniñ tabısım köp emes.
I am doing an internship abroad. Ме- ---елде -ә-іри-ед-- өті- ж-р-ін. М__ ш______ т__________ ө___ ж______ М-н ш-т-л-е т-ж-р-б-д-н ө-і- ж-р-і-. ------------------------------------ Мен шетелде тәжірибеден өтіп жүрмін. 0
M-- -etelde---jirïbe-en-ö-i- j--m-n. M__ ş______ t__________ ö___ j______ M-n ş-t-l-e t-j-r-b-d-n ö-i- j-r-i-. ------------------------------------ Men şetelde täjirïbeden ötip jürmin.
That is my boss. Бұ--ме--- ----ы--м. Б__ м____ б________ Б-л м-н-ң б-с-ы-ы-. ------------------- Бұл менің бастығым. 0
B-l-m---ñ b--tı---. B__ m____ b________ B-l m-n-ñ b-s-ı-ı-. ------------------- Bul meniñ bastığım.
I have nice colleagues. Мен-- ә-іп-е-т-р----а-с-. М____ ә___________ ж_____ М-н-ң ә-і-т-с-е-і- ж-қ-ы- ------------------------- Менің әріптестерім жақсы. 0
Me-iñ ä-ipt--t--im --q-ı. M____ ä___________ j_____ M-n-ñ ä-i-t-s-e-i- j-q-ı- ------------------------- Meniñ äriptesterim jaqsı.
We always go to the cafeteria at noon. Т-сте -і- -не---асх--аға-б-ра---. Т____ б__ ү____ а_______ б_______ Т-с-е б-з ү-е-і а-х-н-ғ- б-р-м-з- --------------------------------- Түсте біз үнемі асханаға барамыз. 0
T---e--i- ---mi-as-ana-- b--a-ız. T____ b__ ü____ a_______ b_______ T-s-e b-z ü-e-i a-x-n-ğ- b-r-m-z- --------------------------------- Tüste biz ünemi asxanağa baramız.
I am looking for a job. Ме- ж--------е- ж--м-н. М__ ж____ і____ ж______ М-н ж-м-с і-д-п ж-р-і-. ----------------------- Мен жұмыс іздеп жүрмін. 0
M---j--ı--iz-ep j----n. M__ j____ i____ j______ M-n j-m-s i-d-p j-r-i-. ----------------------- Men jumıs izdep jürmin.
I have already been unemployed for a year. Жұм---ы--жүр-еніме--ір--ы--б----. Ж_______ ж________ б__ ж__ б_____ Ж-м-с-ы- ж-р-е-і-е б-р ж-л б-л-ы- --------------------------------- Жұмыссыз жүргеніме бір жыл болды. 0
J----sı--jür--n--e---- j---bol--. J_______ j________ b__ j__ b_____ J-m-s-ı- j-r-e-i-e b-r j-l b-l-ı- --------------------------------- Jumıssız jürgenime bir jıl boldı.
There are too many unemployed people in this country. Бұл ел-е-жұ-ы--ы---р---- кө-. Б__ е___ ж__________ т__ к___ Б-л е-д- ж-м-с-ы-д-р т-м к-п- ----------------------------- Бұл елде жұмыссыздар тым көп. 0
B---el----umıs-ızd-r---m-k--. B__ e___ j__________ t__ k___ B-l e-d- j-m-s-ı-d-r t-m k-p- ----------------------------- Bul elde jumıssızdar tım köp.

Memory needs speech

Most people remember their first day of school. However, they no longer recall that which came before. We have almost no memory of our first years of life. But why is that? Why can't we remember the experiences we had as a baby? The reason lies in our development. Speech and memory develop at about the same time. And in order to remember something, a person needs speech. That is, he must have words for that which he experiences. Scientists have conducted various tests with children. In doing so, they made an interesting discovery. As soon as children learn to speak, they forget everything that came before. The beginning of speech is therefore also the beginning of memory. Children learn a great deal in the first three years of their lives. They experience new things every day. They also have many important experiences at this age. Despite this, it all disappears. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as infantile amnesia. Only the things that children can name remain. The autobiographical memory retains personal experiences. It functions like a journal. Everything that is important in our life is recorded in it. In this way, the autobiographical memory forms our identity. But its development is dependent upon the learning of the native language. And we can only activate our memory through our speech. The things that we learn as a baby are not really gone, of course. They are stored somewhere in our brain. We just can't access them anymore… – that's a shame, isn't it?