За-мі-ь--б-----а-ка--м-с-е-- --иймаль-і.
З_______ б__________ м____ в п__________
З-й-і-ь- б-д---а-к-, м-с-е в п-и-м-л-н-.
Займіть, будь-ласка, місце в приймальні. 0 Za-̆m---,-bu--------, m------v --------ʹ--.Z_______ b__________ m_____ v p__________Z-y-m-t-, b-d---a-k-, m-s-s- v p-y-̆-a-ʹ-i--------------------------------------------Zay̆mitʹ, budʹ-laska, mistse v pryy̆malʹni.
У --с--ось-б----ь?
У в__ щ___ б______
У в-с щ-с- б-л-т-?
У вас щось болить? 0 U-vas--hch--ʹ b--y-ʹ?U v__ s______ b______U v-s s-c-o-ʹ b-l-t-?---------------------U vas shchosʹ bolytʹ?
Я-м----авж-и б--і в--пин-.
Я м__ з_____ б___ в с_____
Я м-ю з-в-д- б-л- в с-и-і-
Я маю завжди болі в спині. 0 YA --yu-za---d--b-l- v -pyn-.Y_ m___ z______ b___ v s_____Y- m-y- z-v-h-y b-l- v s-y-i------------------------------YA mayu zavzhdy boli v spyni.
Я ма---н-ді б--- - -и--ті.
Я м__ і____ б___ в ж______
Я м-ю і-о-і б-л- в ж-в-т-.
Я маю іноді болі в животі. 0 Y--may--in--i b------zhyvot-.Y_ m___ i____ b___ v z_______Y- m-y- i-o-i b-l- v z-y-o-i------------------------------YA mayu inodi boli v zhyvoti.
Ти-к-в п--я-к-.
Т___ в п_______
Т-с- в п-р-д-у-
Тиск в порядку. 0 Ty-k-v-p-rya-ku.T___ v p________T-s- v p-r-a-k-.----------------Tysk v poryadku.
Я-дам-Ва- т-б---к-.
Я д__ В__ т________
Я д-м В-м т-б-е-к-.
Я дам Вам таблетки. 0 YA dam -am --b-etky.Y_ d__ V__ t________Y- d-m V-m t-b-e-k-.--------------------YA dam Vam tabletky.
The length of a word is dependent upon its informative content.
This has been shown by an American study.
Researchers evaluated words from ten European languages.
This was achieved with the help of a computer.
The computer analyzed various words with a program.
In the process, it used a formula to calculate the informative content.
The results were clear.
The shorter a word is, the less information it conveys.
Interestingly, we use short words more often than long words.
The reason for this could lie in the efficiency of speech.
When we speak, we concentrate on the most important thing.
Therefore, words without much information mustn't be too long.
This guarantees we don't spend too much time on unimportant things.
The correlation between length and content has another advantage.
It ensures that the informative content always remains the same.
That is to say, we always say the same amount in a certain period of time.
For example, we can use a few long words.
But we can also use many short words.
It doesn't matter what we decide: The informative content remains the same.
As a result, our speech has a consistent rhythm.
This makes it easier for listeners to follow us.
If the amount of information were always varied, it would be difficult.
Our listeners couldn't adapt well to our speech.
Comprehension would thus be made difficult.
He who wants the best chance of being understood should use short words.
Since short words are better comprehended than long ones.
Therefore, the principle goes:
Keep It Short and Simple!
In short: KISS!