
em Parts of the body   »   ko 신체부위

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

58 [쉰여덟]

58 [swin-yeodeolb]



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I am drawing a man. 저----를 -려요. 저_ 남__ 그___ 저- 남-를 그-요- ----------- 저는 남자를 그려요. 0
jeo-eun-n-m-a-eul ----ye---. j______ n________ g_________ j-o-e-n n-m-a-e-l g-u-y-o-o- ---------------------------- jeoneun namjaleul geulyeoyo.
First the head. 먼--머-----요. 먼_ 머__ 그___ 먼- 머-를 그-요- ----------- 먼저 머리를 그려요. 0
m-o---- me-li-e-l ---l-eo-o. m______ m________ g_________ m-o-j-o m-o-i-e-l g-u-y-o-o- ---------------------------- meonjeo meolileul geulyeoyo.
The man is wearing a hat. 남자는 모자--쓰고 있어요. 남__ 모__ 쓰_ 있___ 남-는 모-를 쓰- 있-요- --------------- 남자는 모자를 쓰고 있어요. 0
namj----n -o--l-u- sse----is--e-yo. n________ m_______ s_____ i________ n-m-a-e-n m-j-l-u- s-e-g- i-s-e-y-. ----------------------------------- namjaneun mojaleul sseugo iss-eoyo.
One cannot see the hair. 머리카-은 보이- 않--. 머____ 보__ 않___ 머-카-은 보-지 않-요- -------------- 머리카락은 보이지 않아요. 0
meo-ik-l-g-e-n--o-j- ----a--. m_____________ b____ a_______ m-o-i-a-a---u- b-i-i a-h-a-o- ----------------------------- meolikalag-eun boiji anh-ayo.
One cannot see the ears either. 귀- -이--않아요. 귀_ 보__ 않___ 귀- 보-지 않-요- ----------- 귀도 보이지 않아요. 0
gw--o b-ij----h----. g____ b____ a_______ g-i-o b-i-i a-h-a-o- -------------------- gwido boiji anh-ayo.
One cannot see his back either. 등- ----않-요. 등_ 보__ 않___ 등- 보-지 않-요- ----------- 등도 보이지 않아요. 0
d---g-o-------an--a--. d______ b____ a_______ d-u-g-o b-i-i a-h-a-o- ---------------------- deungdo boiji anh-ayo.
I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. 저는------ --요. 저_ 눈_ 입_ 그___ 저- 눈- 입- 그-요- ------------- 저는 눈과 입을 그려요. 0
jeo-e-- nu-g----b-e-- g-uly--yo. j______ n_____ i_____ g_________ j-o-e-n n-n-w- i---u- g-u-y-o-o- -------------------------------- jeoneun nungwa ib-eul geulyeoyo.
The man is dancing and laughing. 남자- -추며 --요. 남__ 춤__ 웃___ 남-는 춤-며 웃-요- ------------ 남자는 춤추며 웃어요. 0
n-m-a-eu- c-um-hu-ye- us--oy-. n________ c__________ u_______ n-m-a-e-n c-u-c-u-y-o u---o-o- ------------------------------ namjaneun chumchumyeo us-eoyo.
The man has a long nose. 남---- 코- ---. 남__ 긴 코_ 있___ 남-는 긴 코- 있-요- ------------- 남자는 긴 코가 있어요. 0
nam--neun--in -o---iss--oyo. n________ g__ k___ i________ n-m-a-e-n g-n k-g- i-s-e-y-. ---------------------------- namjaneun gin koga iss-eoyo.
He is carrying a cane in his hands. 그- -- -팡이---고 있어-. 그_ 손_ 지___ 들_ 있___ 그- 손- 지-이- 들- 있-요- ------------------ 그는 손에 지팡이를 들고 있어요. 0
geun--- son-e -ipa-g--l-u- de--g------eo-o. g______ s____ j___________ d_____ i________ g-u-e-n s-n-e j-p-n---l-u- d-u-g- i-s-e-y-. ------------------------------------------- geuneun son-e jipang-ileul deulgo iss-eoyo.
He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. 그는 또- -에---리----고 있--. 그_ 또_ 목_ 목___ 두__ 있___ 그- 또- 목- 목-리- 두-고 있-요- ---------------------- 그는 또한 목에 목도리를 두르고 있어요. 0
ge-n-un tt-ha- --g-- mog-olil-ul ---e--o--s----y-. g______ t_____ m____ m__________ d______ i________ g-u-e-n t-o-a- m-g-e m-g-o-i-e-l d-l-u-o i-s-e-y-. -------------------------------------------------- geuneun ttohan mog-e mogdolileul duleugo iss-eoyo.
It is winter and it is cold. 겨-이고-추워-. 겨___ 추___ 겨-이- 추-요- --------- 겨울이고 추워요. 0
g-e----i-o -h-----. g_________ c_______ g-e-u---g- c-u-o-o- ------------------- gyeoul-igo chuwoyo.
The arms are athletic. 팔이 튼튼해요. 팔_ 튼____ 팔- 튼-해-. -------- 팔이 튼튼해요. 0
pal-i--eunteunhaey-. p____ t_____________ p-l-i t-u-t-u-h-e-o- -------------------- pal-i teunteunhaeyo.
The legs are also athletic. 다리----해-. 다__ 튼____ 다-도 튼-해-. --------- 다리도 튼튼해요. 0
dali-- ---nte---ae--. d_____ t_____________ d-l-d- t-u-t-u-h-e-o- --------------------- dalido teunteunhaeyo.
The man is made of snow. 남----으로------요. 남__ 눈__ 만______ 남-는 눈-로 만-어-어-. --------------- 남자는 눈으로 만들어졌어요. 0
na-jan----n---e-l--m-n-e-l--o-----s-e-y-. n________ n_______ m_____________________ n-m-a-e-n n-n-e-l- m-n-e-l-e-j-e-s---o-o- ----------------------------------------- namjaneun nun-eulo mandeul-eojyeoss-eoyo.
He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. 그는 바지도,-외투도 -지-않고-있--. 그_ 바___ 외__ 입_ 않_ 있___ 그- 바-도- 외-도 입- 않- 있-요- ---------------------- 그는 바지도, 외투도 입지 않고 있어요. 0
ge---un--aj--o--o-t-d--i--i an-go i---e-yo. g______ b______ o_____ i___ a____ i________ g-u-e-n b-j-d-, o-t-d- i-j- a-h-o i-s-e-y-. ------------------------------------------- geuneun bajido, oetudo ibji anhgo iss-eoyo.
But the man is not freezing. 하-만-남자는 ----아요. 하__ 남__ 춥_ 않___ 하-만 남-는 춥- 않-요- --------------- 하지만 남자는 춥지 않아요. 0
h----a--n--jan-un-ch--j- -n---y-. h______ n________ c_____ a_______ h-j-m-n n-m-a-e-n c-u-j- a-h-a-o- --------------------------------- hajiman namjaneun chubji anh-ayo.
He is a snowman. 그---사-이--. 그_ 눈______ 그- 눈-람-에-. ---------- 그는 눈사람이에요. 0
g-------n--s-la--i-yo. g______ n_____________ g-u-e-n n-n-a-a---e-o- ---------------------- geuneun nunsalam-ieyo.

The language of our ancestors

Modern languages can be analyzed by linguists. Various methods are used to do so. But how did people speak thousands of years ago? It is much more difficult to answer this question. Despite this, scientists have been busy researching for years. They would like to explore how people spoke earlier. In order to do this, they attempt to reconstruct ancient speech forms. American scientists have now made an exciting discovery. They analyzed more than 2,000 languages. In particular they analyzed the sentence structure of the languages. The results of their study were very interesting. About half of the languages had the S-O-V sentence structure. That is to say, the sentences are ordered by subject, object and verb. More than 700 languages follow the pattern S-V-O. And about 160 languages operate according to the V-S-O system. Only about 40 languages use the V-O-S pattern. 120 languages display a hybrid. On the other hand, O-V-S and O-S-V are distinctly rarer systems. The majority of the analyzed languages use the S-O-V principle. Persian, Japanese and Turkish are some examples. Most living languages follow the S-V-O pattern, however. This sentence structure dominates the Indo-European language family today. Researchers believe that the S-O-V model was used earlier. All languages are based on this system. But then the languages diverged. We don't yet know how that happened. However, the variation of sentence structures must have had a reason. Because in evolution, only that which has an advantage prevails…