
em At the post office   »   ad Почтэм

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

At the post office

59 [шъэныкъорэ бгъурэ]

59 [shjenykorje bgurje]



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Where is the nearest post office? Ан-х- по-т--благъэ-----э----? А____ п____ б______ т___ щ___ А-а-ь п-ч-э б-а-ъ-р т-д- щ-I- ----------------------------- Анахь почтэ благъэр тыдэ щыI? 0
A--h- poch-je -lagj-r-t-d-e--h---? A____ p______ b______ t____ s_____ A-a-' p-c-t-e b-a-j-r t-d-e s-h-I- ---------------------------------- Anah' pochtje blagjer tydje shhyI?
Is the post office far from here? Ан-хь--очт-г--ч---ла-----чы-ьа? А____ п_________ б______ ч_____ А-а-ь п-ч-э-у-ч- б-а-ъ-р ч-ж-а- ------------------------------- Анахь почтэгупчэ благъэр чыжьа? 0
A--h- -o-ht--gupch-- b-a--er-chy--'a? A____ p_____________ b______ c_______ A-a-' p-c-t-e-u-c-j- b-a-j-r c-y-h-a- ------------------------------------- Anah' pochtjegupchje blagjer chyzh'a?
Where is the nearest mail box? Анахь--очт-----онт--бл-г--р-т-дэ-щ-I? А____ п____ п______ б______ т___ щ___ А-а-ь п-ч-э п-ъ-н-э б-а-ъ-р т-д- щ-I- ------------------------------------- Анахь почтэ пхъонтэ благъэр тыдэ щыI? 0
Anah--------e -h---je ----je----dje--hh--? A____ p______ p______ b______ t____ s_____ A-a-' p-c-t-e p-o-t-e b-a-j-r t-d-e s-h-I- ------------------------------------------ Anah' pochtje phontje blagjer tydje shhyI?
I need a couple of stamps. По--- м---- за--э ---------. П____ м____ з____ с_________ П-ч-э м-р-э з-у-э с-щ-к-а-ъ- ---------------------------- Почтэ маркэ заулэ сищыкIагъ. 0
Po-ht-e---rkj- ---lje --sh---I--. P______ m_____ z_____ s__________ P-c-t-e m-r-j- z-u-j- s-s-h-k-a-. --------------------------------- Pochtje markje zaulje sishhykIag.
For a card and a letter. О-кр--кэм----с-мэм---пае. О_________ п_______ а____ О-к-ы-к-м- п-с-м-м- а-а-. ------------------------- Открыткэми письмэми апае. 0
O-k-yt-je-----s'm-e----pa-. O__________ p________ a____ O-k-y-k-e-i p-s-m-e-i a-a-. --------------------------- Otkrytkjemi pis'mjemi apae.
How much is the postage to America? Ам-ри--м --с п---- -асэ- -хьа-ш? А_______ н__ п____ у____ т______ А-е-и-э- н-с п-ч-э у-с-р т-ь-п-? -------------------------------- Америкэм нэс почтэ уасэр тхьапш? 0
Am-r---em-nj-s-po-ht-e uasj----h'-ps-? A________ n___ p______ u_____ t_______ A-e-i-j-m n-e- p-c-t-e u-s-e- t-'-p-h- -------------------------------------- Amerikjem njes pochtje uasjer th'apsh?
How heavy is the package? Б-ъ---ы---м-----п---ъы-эчыр--? Б__________ т_____ к__________ Б-ъ-х-ы-т-м т-ь-п- к-ы-э-ы-э-? ------------------------------ Бгъэхьыщтым тхьапш къыщэчырэр? 0
B---h-y--hty--th-aps- ----h--c-yr-er? B____________ t______ k______________ B-j-h-y-h-t-m t-'-p-h k-s-h-e-h-r-e-? ------------------------------------- Bgjeh'yshhtym th'apsh kyshhjechyrjer?
Can I send it by air mail? М-- --иап--тэ-Iэ -------н с-ъэк--щ-а? М__ а___________ с_______ с__________ М-р а-и-п-ч-э-I- с-I-п-ы- с-ъ-к-ы-т-? ------------------------------------- Мыр авиапочтэкIэ стIупщын слъэкIыщта? 0
M-r --iap-ch-----je st--ps-----slj---ys---a? M__ a______________ s_________ s____________ M-r a-i-p-c-t-e-I-e s-I-p-h-y- s-j-k-y-h-t-? -------------------------------------------- Myr aviapochtjekIje stIupshhyn sljekIyshhta?
How long will it take to get there? Мы----ьа-ш--э-н--ыщт? М__ т________ н______ М-р т-ь-п-к-э н-с-щ-? --------------------- Мыр тхьапшкIэ нэсыщт? 0
Myr t-'-pshk--e --esysh--? M__ t__________ n_________ M-r t-'-p-h-I-e n-e-y-h-t- -------------------------- Myr th'apshkIje njesyshht?
Where can I make a call? Т-дэ -е--ф-нкI- с--ы---е---с-ъэк---тыр? Т___ т_________ с_________ с___________ Т-д- т-л-ф-н-I- с-з-щ-т-о- с-ъ-к-ы-т-р- --------------------------------------- Тэдэ телефонкIэ сызыщытеон слъэкIыщтыр? 0
Tj-d-e --le-on-I-e ---y--h-t-on-s---kI-sh--y-? T_____ t__________ s___________ s_____________ T-e-j- t-l-f-n-I-e s-z-s-h-t-o- s-j-k-y-h-t-r- ---------------------------------------------- Tjedje telefonkIje syzyshhyteon sljekIyshhtyr?
Where is the nearest telephone booth? Тел--он --- ----I-у ----ь--л-г--р-ты-- --I? Т______ у__ ц______ а____ б______ т___ щ___ Т-л-ф-н у-э ц-ы-I-у а-а-ь б-а-ъ-р т-д- щ-I- ------------------------------------------- Телефон унэ цIыкIоу анахь благъэр тыдэ щыI? 0
T--ef-n-u-j- c---Io---na---bl--je- t-dj- ----I? T______ u___ c______ a____ b______ t____ s_____ T-l-f-n u-j- c-y-I-u a-a-' b-a-j-r t-d-e s-h-I- ----------------------------------------------- Telefon unje cIykIou anah' blagjer tydje shhyI?
Do you have calling cards? Тел-ф-н--а-т-хэ----у-Iа? Т______ к_______ ш______ Т-л-ф-н к-р-э-э- ш-у-I-? ------------------------ Телефон картэхэр шъуиIа? 0
Tel---n ----j--j-- -huiIa? T______ k_________ s______ T-l-f-n k-r-j-h-e- s-u-I-? -------------------------- Telefon kartjehjer shuiIa?
Do you have a telephone directory? Т-л--он----з-д---т-ы-- --уи--? Т_________ з____ т____ ш______ Т-л-ф-н-э- з-д-т т-ы-ъ ш-у-I-? ------------------------------ Телефонхэр зыдэт тхылъ шъуиIа? 0
T-l--onhj-- -y-j----h-l-sh-iIa? T__________ z_____ t___ s______ T-l-f-n-j-r z-d-e- t-y- s-u-I-? ------------------------------- Telefonhjer zydjet thyl shuiIa?
Do you know the area code for Austria? Ав-т-ие- -код-шъ---а? А_______ и___ ш______ А-с-р-е- и-о- ш-у-I-? --------------------- Австрием икод шъуиIа? 0
Av----e---kod-sh--I-? A_______ i___ s______ A-s-r-e- i-o- s-u-I-? --------------------- Avstriem ikod shuiIa?
One moment, I’ll look it up. Т--кIу----- къыса-- -а-- -ы---п-----. Т_____ д___ к______ м___ с___________ Т-э-I- д-д- к-ы-а-, м-р- с-к-е-л-ы-т- ------------------------------------- ТIэкIу дэдэ къысаж, мары сыкъеплъыщт. 0
T-jekIu-d-ed-e-kys-z-----r- sy--plysh-t. T______ d_____ k______ m___ s___________ T-j-k-u d-e-j- k-s-z-, m-r- s-k-p-y-h-t- ---------------------------------------- TIjekIu djedje kysazh, mary sykeplyshht.
The line is always busy. КI-р--.-А-ыкI- р--эу-мэгущыIэх. К______ А_____ р____ м_________ К-о-э-. А-ы-I- р-н-у м-г-щ-I-х- ------------------------------- КIорэп. АдыкIэ ренэу мэгущыIэх. 0
K--rjep--Ady---e ---j-u -jeg---h----h. K_______ A______ r_____ m_____________ K-o-j-p- A-y-I-e r-n-e- m-e-u-h-y-j-h- -------------------------------------- KIorjep. AdykIje renjeu mjegushhyIjeh.
Which number did you dial? Сы- -----н-м-р---з-те-а-ъэр? С__ ф___ н_____ у___________ С-д ф-д- н-м-р- у-ы-е-а-ъ-р- ---------------------------- Сыд фэдэ номера узытеуагъэр? 0
Syd-f-------omer- ----e-ag-e-? S__ f_____ n_____ u___________ S-d f-e-j- n-m-r- u-y-e-a-j-r- ------------------------------ Syd fjedje nomera uzyteuagjer?
You have to dial a zero first! Апэ но-- ---н фае! А__ н___ и___ ф___ А-э н-л- и-ы- ф-е- ------------------ Апэ ноль итын фае! 0
A--- -o-- i------e! A___ n___ i___ f___ A-j- n-l- i-y- f-e- ------------------- Apje nol' ityn fae!

Feelings speak different languages too!

Many different languages are spoken around the world. There is no universal human language. But how is it for our facial expressions? Is the language of emotions universal? No, there are also differences here! It was long believed that all people expressed feelings the same way. The language of facial expressions was considered universally understood. Charles Darwin believed that feelings were of vital importance for humans. Therefore, they had to be understood equally in all cultures. But new studies are coming to a different result. They show that there are differences in the language of feelings too. That is, our facial expressions are influenced by our culture. Therefore, people around the world show and interpret feelings differently. Scientists distinguish six primary emotions. They are happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise. But Europeans have different facial expressions to Asians. And they read different things from the same expressions. Various experiments have confirmed this. In them, test subjects were shown faces on a computer. The subjects were supposed to describe what they read in the faces. There are many reasons why the results differed. Feelings are shown more in some cultures than in others. The intensity of facial expressions is therefore not understood the same everywhere. Also, people from different cultures pay attention to different things. Asians concentrate on the eyes when reading facial expressions. Europeans and Americans, on the other hand, look at the mouth. One facial expression is understood in all cultures, however… That is a nice smile!